Common Excuse | Likely Response |
My home internet access failed! | Use the Linux Lab on campus. |
I didn’t know it would be this hard! | That’s why we start early. |
C’mon—it’s only five minutes late! | You can’t even make the late period on time? |
Lots of homework from other classes! | You’ll plan better next time. |
I work the night before it’s due! | You start the night before!? |
It snowed! | Yeah, it does that. |
My apartment burned down. I have a note from a doctor. The city declared a state of emergency. CSU closed due to weather. A family tragedy occurred. | I’ll give you more time. |
The Schedule page tells you when each assignment is due. You may turn it in late for one point off. After that, late homework will only be accepted for reasons and documentation in compliance with CSU guidelines.
If you have a scheduling conflict that you regard as a valid excuse (jury duty, ROTC, marching band, etc.), then work with me in advance. I’m much less receptive when the homework is already late.
Links to the individual homework assignments are on the tab bar above.
All assignments are to be submitted electronically and are automatically time stamped, so we know when files were submitted. Logs are kept of everything, so if you try to submit files and it does not work correctly, we can look at the logs to help identify the problems.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted all the files that are required for each assignment. All files you submit should be named appropriately. If you fail to submit homework, we can’t grade it, you get a zero for the assignment.
You can submit the same file as many times as you like. The system will keep every copy, but only the most recent will be graded. If, for some reason, you want an older version to be graded, let us know.
The system will let you check in any file at all, whether it is a text file, or an executable, or a jpeg, or a video game, or a … you get the idea … so be careful what you submit!
The system will NOT alter your copy of the file being submitted. It will just send a duplicate of it for grading. Don’t worry about it harming your files—it won’t.
Every assignment has three dates associated with it:
program won’t let you. This is so your beleaguered
instructor can change the assignments to match how the class is doing.
program will remind you of the due
date of an assignment when you submit it. If you are before the due
date, it will let you know how much longer you have to re-sumbit a
newer version before the due date. If you are after the due date, it
will let you know that the assignment is late. Hopefully you will
still get some partial credit.
program will simply not let you submit after this date.
After this date, there is no partial credit. Sorry!
However, if you would like feedback on your homework after
the drop dead date, you can email the homework to the TA and
the TA will give you feedback on how you did (but no grade!)
Use either Linux checkin or web checkin.
Modified: 2017-08-18T18:37 User: Guest Check: HTML CSSEdit History Source |
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