
CT320: Network and System Administration

Fall 2017

Linux Checkin

Checkin via Linux

HWx should be whichever homework you are submitting (such as HW3 or HW1), and filenames should be replaced with whatever filenames you want so submit. You don’t need to submit all of the files at the same time if you don’t want to. One at a time is fine as well, they will only overwrite the older files if they have the SAME name.

The checkin program will tell you some messages. Hopefully, they will say encouraging things like "Checkin successful", and the current date/time, and other useful information. It will also tell you if it has made any backups of older files.

Verifying that things went smoothly (if you’re worried):

First, login to one of the CS Department Linux machines (if you aren’t on one already).

To get a list of the files for a particular homework assignment:

    ~ct320/bin/peek HWx

To look at a particular file that you checked in:

    ~ct320/bin/peek HWx filename


    ~ct320/bin/peek HWx filename | more

However, if you turned in the assignment late, it will get renamed—see the next section.

Late Homework

If you turn in your homework after the Due Date (see above), but before the Drop Dead Date, the assignment will get renamed: the file foo.c will become LATE_foo.c. This is so that the people grading the homework will know that it’s late. This renaming may affect the results you get from the ~ct320/bin/peek command.

Checking your grades (and feedback):

To see all your grades for this class:


To see just the grade for a particular assignment, along with any remarks from the grader:

    ~ct320/bin/grade HWx

Making it easier:

You may not like typing in such long commands. In that case, you can add aliases to your .bashrc file:

    alias ci320='~ct320/bin/checkin'
    alias pk320='~ct320/bin/peek'

The effect would be that you would only need to type:

    ci320 HW2 myfile.txt

instead of

    ~ct320/bin/checkin HW2 myfile.txt

An example

Let’s say you wanted to turn in a file Results.txt for homework #2:

    % cd ~/Assignment2
    % ls
    Results.txt  SomeOtherFile.txt  SomeThingElse.txt
    % ~ct320/bin/checkin HW2 Results.txt
    Checking in files for assignment 'HW2'
    Current time is: Tue Mar 11 21:58:29 2025
    Assignment is ON TIME!
      If you wish, you may turn in another (presumably better)
      version up until Wed Mar 12 12:00:00 2025
      and it will replace this version.

    File Results.txt was checked in.

Now, suppose you made a mistake and wish to fix it and submit a new copy..

    % vi Results.txt
    % ~ct320/bin/checkin HW2 Results.txt
    Checking in files for assignment 'HW2'
    Current time is: Tue Mar 11 22:19:03 2025
    Assignment is ON TIME!
      If you wish, you may turn in another (presumably better)
      version up until Wed Mar 12 12:00:00 2025
      and it will replace this version.

    Renaming old Results.txt to Results.txt.old
    File Results.txt was checked in.
    % ~ct320/bin/peek
    Size        Date             Time      Assignment  File
    ----------  ---------------  --------  ----------  ----
         13703  Tue Mar 11 2025  22:19:03  HW2         Results.txt
         13814  Tue Mar 11 2025  21:58:29  HW2         Results.txt.old

      2 Files listed

Modified: 2016-08-27T10:39

User: Guest

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