This course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer
architecture, beginning with digital gates and number representation;
building up through the Von Neumann model, Instruction Set
Architecture (ISA) and assembly language; and ending with C programs
interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this
course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C.
In CS 270 students write a number of C programs to learn concepts by
programming them and to build confidence in the C programming
language, which is an important language used frequently in industry
and systems research. There will be at least one deliverable a week.
Dec. 18 (Chris) Piazza is closed, please use for all emails.
Dec. 18 (Chris) Letter grades are final and posted on Canvas.
Dec. 17 (Chris) Everything has been graded, but letter grades are not complete!
Dec. 17 (Chris) Final exams are graded and posted on Canvas.
Dec. 17 (Chris) All peer instructions quizzes are graded for both sections.
Dec. 15 (Chris) And of course all the pending regrade requests.
Dec. 15 (Chris) Finished regrade of P9.
Dec. 15 (Chris) All grading is up to date except peer instructions for Section 2.
Dec. 15 (Chris) Q1 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Dec. 13 (Chris) P10B is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Dec. 13 (Chris) P10A has been regraded based on P10B submission, posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Dec. 13 (Chris) Study session tonight from 4-6pm in CSB 120, I will be there.
Dec. 12 (Chris) Q1 programming quiz solution has been posted on the Progress tab.
Dec. 11 (Chris) You can bring a crib sheet to the exam, 2-sided, 8.5x11 inches, no calculators!
Dec. 11 (Chris) Assembly files for testing have been posted at bottom of P10 specification.
Dec. 10 (Chris) Extended office hours today from 11am to 3pm for student regrades and issues.
Dec. 9 (Chris) Example final exam and solution posted on the progress page.
Dec. 9 (Chris) Announcement will be coming shortly on P10A second chance.
Dec. 8 (Chris) Feel free to look at your P10A results, but please don't email me yet!
Dec. 8 (Chris) We are in the process of looking at P10A, grades are not final yet.
Dec. 8 (Chris) P10A is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Dec. 7 (Chris) P10B late period extended to Dec. 12 at 11:59pm.
Dec. 2 (Chris) Extended office hours tomorrow from 11am to 3pm for student regrades and issues.
Dec. 1 (Chris) P9 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas, no late penalties.
Nov. 20 (Chris) Due to popular demand, P9 will be due on Monday, Nov. 30.
Nov. 20 (Chris) Enjoy your Fall Break!
Nov. 20 (Chris) P10 is posted on the Progress tab, due on Dec. 6 (Part A) and Dec. 11 (Part B).
Nov. 20 (Chris) I will post a sample test file for P9 on Piazza shortly.
Nov. 18 (Chris) R12 is graded and posted in Canvas.
Nov. 18 (Chris) Extended office hours 11am to 3pm on Nov. 19 for grade inquiries.
Nov. 16 (Chris) P8B is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas, no late penalties.
Nov. 15 (Chris) Assignment due date for P8B is now 2:00am, no late penalty.
Nov. 13 (Chris) Automated grading for P8B has been restarted.
Nov. 13 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted.
Nov. 11 (Chris) Automated grading for P8B is running (divRem function).
Nov. 9 (Chris) Problem with submitted code interpreting HTML tags is fixed.
Nov. 9 (Chris) Late penalties will be reinstated from P8B through end of semester.
Nov. 9 (Chris) P8A is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas, no late penalties.
Nov. 8 (Chris) All grading is current, except for individual regrade requests.
Nov. 8 (Chris) R10 was a help session for P7, and will not be graded.
Nov. 8 (Chris) Peer7, Peer8, and Peer9 are graded and posted in Canvas.
Nov. 8 (Chris) R11 is graded and posted in Canvas.
Nov. 8 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted.
Nov. 8 (Chris) P7B is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Nov. 6 (Chris) Checkin for P8A and P8B have been added to the Checkin tab.
Oct. 31 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted.
Oct. 31 (Fritz) New versions of posted for use on home machines..
Oct. 27 (Chris) P7B testing is postponed until tomorrow.
Oct. 27 (Chris) P7A is graded and posted, please don't ask about grades until after lecture.
Oct. 26 (Chris) P7A extended until tonight at 11:59pm, testing has been restarted.
Oct. 25 (Chris) Please bring your iClickers Monday and Tuesday this week.
Oct. 25 (Chris) R8 and R9 are graded and posted in Canvas.
Oct. 25 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted.
Oct. 24 (Chris) P7 grading restarted, apparently systems rebooted, sorry for the delay!
Oct. 21 (Chris) Automated grading for P7 is running.
Oct. 20 (Chris) P7 is posted on the Progress tab, preliminary testing will start tomorrow.
Oct. 20 (Chris) P6 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Oct. 16 (Chris) Email about grades and last withdrawal date will be sent soon.
Oct. 16 (Chris) Homework 3 is graded and posted on Canvas.
Oct. 16 (Chris) Midterms are graded and posted on Canvas, will be returned next week.
Oct. 16 (Chris) All scores have been entered for Peer1 through Peer6, for all sections.
Oct. 12 (Chris) I just posted a new example midterm exam and the answer key that matches.
Oct. 12 (Chris) The original exam and answer key I posted do not match!
Oct. 12 (Chris) Answer key for previous midterm posted on Progress tab.
Oct. 9 (Chris) Example of previous midterm posted on Progress tab.
Oct. 8 (Chris) The test server for P6 has been started at 2:45pm.
Oct. 8 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted, including P6 and the review slides.
Oct. 6 (Chris) The simple state machine shown in lecture is posted on the Resources tab.
Sep. 30 (Chris) The grading criteria for P5 has changed slightly, please review the specification.
Sep. 30 (Chris) A minimal P5 test server is running as of 11:15am.
Sep. 28 (Chris) R5 is graded and posted on Canvas.
Sep. 25 (Chris) All materials for next week are posted on the Progress tab.
Sep. 12 (Chris) The answer key to R2 is posted on the Progress tab.
Sep. 9 (Chris) Due date on P3 has just been corrected, to Sep. 13, 10pm.
Sep. 9 (Chris) You must get R2 checked off during your lab this week, at the latest.
Sep. 9 (Chris) R2 is finally graded and posted on Canvas.
Sep. 9 (Chris) Sunday help session will start this week, 4-6pm in CSB 120.
Sep. 9 (Chris) Test server for P3 assignment started at 2:45pm.
Sep. 7 (Chris) R2 recitation will not be graded for several days.
Sep. 7 (Chris) H1 assignment is graded and posted on Canvas.
Sep. 7 (Chris) P2 assignment is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.
Sep. 4 (Chris) Test server for P2 assignment restarted at 8:50pm.
Sep. 2 (Chris) Office hours for Dr. Malaiya are posted on the Syllabus tab.
Sep. 2 (Andres) My lab hours Friday are from 8-10am, not 10-11am as stated in lab.
Sep. 2 (Chris) Lab hours have changed, please check syllabus!
Aug. 29 (Chris) Homework 1 for next week is posted on Canvas.
Aug. 27 (Chris) Help Desk and Sunday sessions will start next week.
Aug. 25 (Chris) Piazza bulletin board is enabled on Canvas in Modules tab.
Aug. 24 (Chris) Just fixed link in Canvas to point at correct semester.
Aug. 20 (Chris) Labs will start on Tuesday, Aug. 25 in CSB 225, so don't miss yours!
Aug. 19 (Chris) Welcome to CS270, Computer Organization, Fall Semester 2015