Linux Operating System
The Computer Science Department maintains some useful general help information for students new
to using Linux, and about using Putty or SSH to connect to department Linux systems from Windows
CSU Computer Science information is found
A useful Linux command reference card is found
LC-3 Programming
The animation for the LC-3 is found
An overview of LC-3 commands is found
The reference sheet for LC-3 commands is found
Fritz Sieker's version of the LC-3 tools for Linux and Mac are found
A tutorial on how to convert C code to LC-3 assembly by Fritz Sieker is
State Machines
The simple state machine example shown in lecture is
Number Representation
Website for ASCII conversion is found
Website for IEEE floating-point conversion is found
Website for two’s complement math is found
The practice sheet on number conversion presented in lecture is
The example of floating-point addition presented in lecture is
C Programming
One of hundreds of C programming tutorials on the web can be found
Information on the C standard library, organized by include file, can be found
Cheat sheet for C debugger can be found
Instructions for downloading tools to work remotely (via ssh) from a Windows system are
Engineering methodology presented in class is
Peer Instruction
Peer instruction sessions are held during lectures, generally on Fridays. The
format will be described in detail at the time of each session, but it generally
consists of each student answering questions individually and in a group. The premise
is that groups perform better than individuals! We organize peer session by assigning
students to groups.
Groups for peer instruction for Section 001 are posted
and Section 002 is posted
iClicker Registration
Register your iClicker on Canvas. The remote ID is the number found on the back of your iClicker
remote. If you cannot read the ID on your iClicker, there is a kiosk in the bookstore where you
can retrieve it. Here is a list of iClickers that appear not to be registered. If your iClicker
is on this list, please try to register again, then send me email:
Unregistered Remotes (Section 001):
- #01185F46
- #0251B3E0
- #2481F055
- #3A8E74C0
- #3AB7830E
- #3E3D5152
Unregistered Remotes (Section 002):
- #0F66ABC2
- #125A4901
- #25E2E92E
- #27122B1E
- #310A211A
- #312ACED5
- #371E3910
- #3A93872E
- #3D0A86B1
- #45200D68
- #45221077
- #452B452B
- #8B0C7FF8
Piazza Forums
This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and
efficiently from classmates, teaching assistants, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff,
I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email Piazza will be accessed via the Module tab on Canvas.
Other useful tools...
- Questions to almost any C programming question you can think of can be found
- Very thorough site on the subtle differences between C and Java is
- Stack Overflow is great for finding a variety of answers to your question from people with ranges of expertise levels, found
here, or by adding "stackoverflow" to your Google search.
- w3schools is great for web-development related languages and resources, found
- Microsoft software can be downloaded by students for a reduced price through the Dream Spark program, found