Task | Count | Points | Total |
Labs | 15 | 1 | 15 |
Quizzes | 13 | 1 | 13 |
Homework 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Homework 1–7 | 7 | 4 | 28 |
Midterms | 2 | 14 | 28 |
Final exam | 1 | 15 | 15 |
- Class
CS253: Software Development with C++
- Lecture
- 1:00–1:50ᴘᴍ MT
campus: Clark A 201,
online: Echo360
- Labs
Weekly labs (alias recitations):
campus: CSB 315,
online: Media Gallery CSUO
- Semester
August 22 – December 9, 2022
Staff & Office Hours
| Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
9:00 | | | | | MB | | |
9:30 | | | | | MB | | |
10:00 | | AB | AB | | AB | AB | |
10:30 | | AB | AB | | AB | AB | |
11:00 | | YL | | | | | |
11:30 | | YL | | | | JA | |
12:00 | YL | | | | | JA | |
12:30 | YL | | | | | | |
1:00 | YL | | | | | | KG |
1:30 | YL | | | | | | KG |
2:00 | YL | JA | | MB | | | |
2:30 | YL | JA | | MB | | | |
3:00 | | | | MB | | KG | MT |
3:30 | | | | MB | MB | KG | MT |
4:00 | | | | | MB | | MT |
4:30 | | | | JA | | | MT |
5:00 | | AO | AO | JA | MT | | |
5:30 | | AO | AO | JA | MT | JA | |
6:00 | | AO | AO | JA | MT | JA | |
6:30 | | AO | AO | | MT | JA | |
7:00 | | | | | | JA | |
Green: Linux Lab Red: Teams Black: CSB 246 & Teams
- Instructor:
- GTAs
have office hours in the Linux Lab:
📧 -> mailto:Andrei [period] Bachinin [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Andrei Bachinin: Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 10–11ᴀᴍ MT
📧 -> mailto:Krishnavamsi [period] Gujju [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Krishnavamsi Gujju (½): Fri 3–4ᴘᴍ, Sat 1–2ᴘᴍ MT
📧 -> mailto:Yongxin [period] Liu [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Yongxin Liu: Sun noon–3ᴘᴍ, Mon 11ᴀᴍ–noon MT
📧 -> mailto:Mani [period] Telaprolu [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Mani Telaprolu: Thu 5–7ᴘᴍ, Sat 3–5ᴘᴍ MT
- UTAs
have office hours on Teams:
📧 -> mailto:Alex [period] OHara [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Alex O’Hara: Mon 5–7ᴘᴍ, Tue 5–7ᴘᴍ MT
📧 -> mailto:Mikyla [period] Bowen [snail] ColoState [period] Edu
Mikyla Bowen: Wed 2–4ᴘᴍ, Thu 9–10ᴀᴍ 3:30–4:30ᴘᴍ MT
- The class is in three places:
- https://cs.colostate.edu/~cs253 for viewing homework assignments, schedule, syllabus, etc.
- Canvas, CSU’s LMS,
for turning in homework & labs,
taking quizzes & tests,
viewing recorded lectures,
viewing lab introductions,
and seeing your scores.
- Microsoft Teams for discussions and some office hours.
Log in to Microsoft Teams with
and NetID password, not a personal account.
- The purpose of this class is twofold:
- Learn C++, which will partition the class into three sections:
- Non-object-oriented C++
- Object-oriented C++
- Templates and the STL
- Learn the tools of a professional programmer, including:
Letter Grades
A+ | ≥ 96.67 | B− | ≥ 80.00 |
A | ≥ 93.33 | C+ | ≥ 76.67 |
A− | ≥ 90.00 | C | ≥ 70.00 |
B+ | ≥ 86.67 | D | ≥ 60.00 |
B | ≥ 83.33 | F | ≥ 00.00 |
Letter grades are computed per the table, right. There’s no rounding.
89.99 points is a B+, not an A−.
The labs & weekly quizzes are worth a lot of points—don’t throw them
away and miss a letter grade by quarter point. There is no extra credit.
Quizzes & Tests
- Weekly quizzes, the midterms, and the final exam, are all on
Canvas, and are weighed according to the table above.
- As shown in the schedule, quizzes are due 11:59ᴘᴍ MT Saturday, with a
24-hour late period for a 25% penalty, and a 10-hour time limit.
- You get only one attempt.
- Quizzes are not curved, only the midterms and the final exam are.
- Contact the instructor to review a Canvas test.
Labs (alias recitations)
- For on-campus students, labs are in person.
Go to your assigned room at the assigned time.
A GTA will introduce the lab. The GTA and a UTA will be available to help.
- For online (section 801) students, video introductions for
the labs are available in Canvas under
Media Gallery CSUO.
- Do the lab on your own. This is not a group project.
- Get it right. The correctness of your solution matters. Trying is
not good enough. Treat a lab as a small programming assignment:
no copying, and it must unpack & compile.
- Turn in your lab work via Canvas.
Do not show it to the TA for points—turn it in for grading.
- As shown in the schedule, they’re due 11:59ᴘᴍ MT Saturday, with a 24-hour late period for a 25% penalty.
- The GTAs grade the labs. If you don’t like your score, talk with
the GTA who graded your lab first,
then to the instructor if you still disagree.
Programming Assignments
- Turn in programming assignments (HW0, HW1, HW2, …)
via Canvas.
- Writeups are available in the schedule.
- As shown in the schedule,
they’re due 11:59ᴘᴍ MT Saturday (but not every week), with a 24-hour late period for a 25% penalty.
- A GTA grades the homework. If you don’t like your score, talk with
that GTA first, then to the instructor if you still disagree.
Getting Help
- See Connect for how to connect to a CS Dept. Computer,
and Connect with MobaXterm for a specific guide using MobaXterm on
- The GTAs have office hours in the Linux Lab
in CSB 120, as listed above.
- The Instructor & UTAs have office hours on Teams,
as listed above. Start with text chat, upgrade to audio or video.
- For general discussions, use the Teams
bulletin board / message board / forum.
- Send email using the staff addresses, above.
- Avoid Canvas messages—nobody reads those. I wish I could disable them.
- Canvas submission comments are similarly ignored.
All students are expected and required to report any COVID-19 symptoms to the university
immediately, as well as exposures or positive tests (even home tests).
- If you suspect you have symptoms, or if you know you have been exposed to a positive person or
have tested positive for COVID (even with a home test), you are required to fill out the COVID
Reporter (https://covid.colostate.edu/reporter/).
- If you know or believe you have been exposed, including living with someone known to be COVID
positive, or are symptomatic, it is important for the health of yourself and others that you
complete the online COVID Reporter. Do not ask your instructor to report for you.
- If you do not have internet access to fill out the online COVID-19 Reporter,
please call (970) 491-4600.
- You may also report concerns in your academic or living spaces regarding COVID exposures
through the COVID Reporter. You will not be penalized in any way for reporting.
- When you complete the COVID Reporter for any reason, the CSU Public Health Office is notified.
Students who report symptoms or a positive antigen test through the COVID Reporter may be
directed to get a PCR test through the CSU Health Network’s medical services for students.
For the latest information about the University’s COVID resources and information, please visit the CSU
COVID-19 site: https://covid.colostate.edu/.
Making up Work
If illness prevents you from doing homework or taking a quiz/test, get a
note from the CSU Health Network, a doctor, an
emergency room, etc. It is not good enough to diagnose yourself.
Similarly, if you suffer a family tragedy, your apartment catches fire,
you’re called up for military service, etc., then provide documentation
for the event. Concerts and ski trips are not unexpected.
Don’t ask the TAs to let you turn in work late, or to let you make up
work. They can’t do that—only the instructor can.
If the instructor allows make-up or late work, they will simply change
your Canvas due date. Don’t email it—just check it in to Canvas.
Time Zones
All dates & times mentioned are Mountain Time (currently
5:56PM MST), the time zone used at CSU.
Your time zone does not determine deadlines; CSU’s time
zone (Mountain Time) does.
I will announce cancellations on Teams.
However, I don’t decide when to cancel classes—CSU does. If the weather
looks interesting, go to https://safety.colostate.edu. If that site
says that CSU is closed, then classes, labs, office hours, etc., are
cancelled. If it doesn’t, then they’re not.
Conduct in Class
Don’t distract the students. I can’t force you to learn, but you
must allow others to do so. This means:
- Do not distract others with conversation.
- Do not distract others with your phone.
- Do not distract others by using your laptop in front of the class.
- If you snore, I will wake you up.
Students often believe that they can efficiently multitask.
Some believe that they can surf the web, catch up on social networking,
and absorb the lecture at the same time. They are incorrect. Studies
consistently show that we are all miserable at multitasking.
A student copies
but she has cheated herself
and so fails the class
Exams and projects will be done individually and grades assigned on an
individual basis. Further, students not already familiar with the
CSU Honor Pledge
should review this clear and simple pledge and always adhere to it.
Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance,
discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the
Student Information Guide.
All other matters follow the policies set in the current
CSU General Catalog,
Student Conduct Code,
and in the
CS Dept. Code of Conduct.
You may not copy or use, all or in part, someone else’s work. You may
not give your work, all or in part, to someone else for any reason. It
is your responsibility to keep your work private from all others. You
may not collaborate to produce one product turned in multiple times. You
may not use work done in a previous semester by someone else. You may
not post assignments on the internet. Paying for homework will result
in dire consequences. Acting surprised will not help you.
The use of online “homework helper” sites including, but not limited to,
Chegg, NoteHall, Quizlet, and Koofers is not permitted in this course.
Please reach out to your instructor to discuss if a specific service you
are thinking about using for this course is acceptable. Use of these
types of resources will be considered receiving unauthorized assistance
and, therefore, a violation of the student conduct code. Using them may
result, at the discretion of the instructor, in an F for the course or a
negative value for the assignment, quiz, or exam. All incidents of this
type will be referred to the CSU Student Resolution Center and may be
subject to additional University disciplinary action.
You may discuss assignments but the work you turn in must be your
own. You have crossed the line if you start comparing someone else’s
work to your own (or vice versa). You have crossed the line if you
cannot explain/understand the work you submit. “I copied it from the
internet” is not an explanation.
Writing a program comprises two phases: design and
implementation. You must do both on your own. It is
unacceptable to have joint design but separate implementations.