CS253 HW5: Game Class                
One of the Requirements states “Calling .add_dict()
before .set_length()
calling results in undefined behavior.” This is poor grammar (extra “calling”) and
silly, since the description for .set_length()
says that the default length is 5,
so there should be no problem calling .add_dict()
without ever calling .set_length()
However, the Requirement stands: it’s undefined behavior, so we won’t test it, and your code
may do anything for this case, including complaining, failing, or working as expected.
Delighted at your work in HW3, management has asked you to
convert it to a reusable class called Game
that does the hard
work of the word-guessing game.
This is a library, not a complete program.
must have the following public methods:                
- default constructor
The default ctor creates an empty
- Copy constructor
- Assignment operator
Copy all information from another object of the same class.
- Destructor
Set the length of the desired target. The default is 5.
.add_dict(string path)
Add the words in the given dictionary file to this object. You may
assume that the file contains one word per line, all lower case. The
words in the file may be of any length. Throw a descriptive
invalid_argument containing the path if the file cannot be opened
for reading.
Set the “good” string, to be shown when a character is in the right
place. Default value is “
Set the “wrong” string, to be shown when a character is not in the
right place, but occurs somewhere else in the target. Default value
is “
Set the “bad” string, to be shown when a character doesn’t appear
anywhere in the target. Default value is a space.
Choose & return a random word, from the accumulated dictionaries,
of the selected length, to serve as a goal.
Throw a descriptive length_error, with the desired length in the
message, if no words of the desired length are present in the
accumulated dictionaries.
To select a random word from a vector of words,
#include <random>
, and do this:
random_device rd;
return words[rd() % words.size()];
.contains(string word)
Return true iff the accumulated dictionaries
contain the given word.
.feedback(string guess)
Return the feedback string for the given guess. For example, if the
target word is “sigma”, the guess is “omega“, and none of
, .set_wrong()
, or .set_bad()
, have been
called, then the value " - -="
is returned.
The types and names in the method descriptions, above, do not
determine the C++ declarations of those methods. They only serve to
informally describe what sort of arguments a method might take.
You might pass certain arguments by reference, use const, declare
return types, etc.
Const-correctness, for arguments, methods, and operators, is your job.
For example, it must be possible to call .contains()
on a const
object, or to copy a const object to a non-const object.
You may define other methods or data, public or private, as you see fit.
You may define other classes, as you see fit. However, to use the
class, the user need only #include "Game.h"
, not
any other header files.
If you encounter “STACK FRAME LINK OVERFLOW”, then try this:
export STACK_FRAME_LINK_OVERRIDE=ffff-ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a
is a library file. It contains a number of
(object) files. It must contain Game.o
, but it may also
contain whatever other *.o
files you need. The CMakeLists.txt
shown creates libhw5.a
. It does not contain main().
To be explicit, the provided CMakeLists.txt
- creates
by compiling Game.cc
- creates a library
from Game.o
- creates
by compiling test.cc
- creates an executable called
by linking test.o
with libhw5.a
The tar file must contain at least all the files required to do this.
You will have to write a main() function to test your code. Put it in a
separate file, and do not make it part of libhw5.a
Particularly, do not put main() in Game.h
or Game.cc
. You
will also have to create Game.h
, and put it into hw5.tar
We will test your program by doing something like this:
mkdir a-new-directory
cd the-new-directory
tar -x </some/where/else/hw5.tar
cmake . && make
cp /some/other/place/test-program.cc .
g++ -Wall -std=c++17 test-program.cc libhw5.a
We will supply a main program to do the testing that we want. You
should do something similar. It’s your choice whether to include your
test program in your hw5.tar
However, cmake . && make
must work. If it fails because you
didn’t package test.cc
, but your CMakeLists.txt
, then your build failed, and you get no points.
Test your tar file, not just your code.
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Sample Run                
Here is a sample run, where %
is my shell prompt:
% cat CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
# Are we in the wrong directory?
if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR MATCHES "[Hh][Ww]([0-9])$")
# Using -Wall is required:
# These compile flags are highly recommended, but not required:
add_compile_options(-Wextra -Wpedantic)
# Optional super-strict mode:
add_compile_options(-fmessage-length=80 -fno-diagnostics-show-option
-fstack-protector-all -g -O3 -std=c++17 -Walloc-zero -Walloca
-Wconversion -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wduplicated-cond
-Wduplicated-branches -Werror -Wextra-semi -Wfatal-errors
-Winit-self -Wlogical-op -Wold-style-cast -Wshadow
-Wunused-const-variable=1 -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant)
# add_compile_options must be BEFORE add_executable.
# Create the executable from the source file main.cc:
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} Game.cc)
add_executable(test test.cc)
target_link_libraries(test ${PROJECT_NAME})
# Create a tar file every time:
add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME}.tar ALL COMMAND
tar -cf ${PROJECT_NAME}.tar *.cc *.h CMakeLists.txt)
% cmake . && make
… cmake output appears here …
… make output appears here …
% cat test.cc
#include "Game.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(/* int argc, char *argv[] */) {
// Instead of hard-coding all the values here, you could
// adapt your main() from HW3, with all the getopt() processing.
// That way, you can easily test with 177777 different values,
// different files, etc.
Game g;
g.set_good("✓"); g.set_wrong("~"); g.set_bad(".");
const auto &target = g.select_target();
cout << "Guess the " << target.size() << "-letter word.\n";
for (int count=1; count<=6; ++count) {
cout << "Guess #" << count << ": ";
if (string guess; !getline(cin, guess)) // end game on end-of-file
else if (guess.size() != target.size())
cout << "“" << guess << "” isn’t length " << target.size() << ".\n";
else if (!g.contains(guess))
cout << "“" << guess << "” isn’t in any dictionary.\n";
else {
cout << " " << g.feedback(guess) << "\n";
if (guess == target) {
cout << "You won!\n";
return 0;
cout << "You lost, the word was “" << target << "”.\n";
return 1;
% ./test
Guess the 5-letter word.
Guess #1: arose
Guess #2: until
Guess #3: hyped
Guess #4: crazy
You won!
- You must use random_device, as shown above, to select the
target word.
- Calling
before .set_length()
calling results
in undefined behavior.
- Calling
before calling .select_target()
in undefined behavior.
- It must be an compile-time error or warning to ignore the return value
or feedback()
- You may not have any
using namespace
declarations in your
header (*.h
) files.
- All header files must contain #include guards.
- All copies (copy ctor, assignment operator) are “deep”.
Do not share data between copies—that’s not making a copy.
- You may not use any external programs. You may not use system(),
fork(), popen(), execl(), execvp(), etc.
- You may not use C-style I/O, such as printf(), scanf(), fopen(),
and getchar().
- You may not use endl. Use flush if needed.
- You may not use dynamic memory via new, delete, malloc(),
calloc(), realloc(), free(), strdup(), etc.
- It’s ok to implicitly use dynamic memory via containers such as
string or vector.
- You may not use the .eof() method.
- No global variables.
- For readability, don’t use ASCII int constants (
) instead of
char constants ('A'
) for printable characters.
- We will compile your code like this:
cmake . && make
- If that generates warnings, you will lose a point.
- If that generates errors, you will lose all points.
- There is no automated testing/pre-grading/re-grading.
- Test your code yourself. It’s your job.
- Even if you only change it a little bit.
- Even if all you do is add a comment.
- Test with the CSU compilers, not just your laptop’s compiler.
If you have any questions about the requirements, ask.
In the real world, your programming tasks will almost always be
vague and incompletely specified. Same here.
Tar file                
- The tar file for this assignment must be called:
- It must contain:
- source files (
), including Game.cc
- header files (
), including Game.h
, which will create the library file
- These commands must produce the library lib
cmake . && make
- Your
must use at least -Wall
when compiling.
How to submit your work:                
In Canvas, check in the
to the assignment “HW5”.
It’s due 11:59ᴘᴍ MT Saturday, with a 24-hour late period for a 25% penalty.
How to receive negative points:                
Turn in someone else’s work.