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Spring 2017 Big Data Research Group Lab meeting

Location: CSB305 or CSB210 (please check the table)

Time: Every Friday 1:00 ~ 1:50PM

*Please send the title of your talk to the organizer(Sangmi Pallickara) by Wednesday of the week you have your presentation.

Date LocationResearch Presentation Literature Survey
1/27 CSB452 Max Roselius
2/3 CSB452Johnson KachikaranSaptashwa Mitra
2/10 CSB452Johnson Kachikaran Naman Shah
2/17 CSB452 Saptashwa Mitra
2/24 CSB452Naman Shah Walid Budgaga
3/3 CSB452Walid Budgaga Max Roselius
3/31 CSB452Naman Shah Johnson Kachikaran
4/7 CSB452Saptashwa Mitra Johnson Kachikaran
4/14 CSB452Matthew MalensekNaman Shah
4/28 CSB452Saptashwa MitraMatthew Malensek

3/10: no meeting 3/17: Spring break 3/24: no meeting


labmeetingspring2017.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/01 09:39 by sangmi