CS453: Introduction to Compiler Construction

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Topics covered

The class is based on the following book: Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, 2nd Edition by Andrew W. Appel and‎ Jens Palsberg [Find on Amazon]
Please note the book is optional for this class, we provide detailed slides extracted from the book itself.

Topics covered:

  1. Lexical analysis. Appel Ch. 1-2
  2. LL parsing, Appel Ch. 3.1-3.2
  3. JavaCC, parsing tools and compiler testing
  4. Semantic analysis and type checking, Appel Ch. 5+14
  5. Translation, Appel Ch. 7+8
  6. Liveness analysis, Appel Ch. 10
  7. Dataflow analysis
  8. Register allocation, especially the linear scan algorithm
  9. Activation records, Appel Ch. 6
  10. Type systems
  11. LR parsing, flex and bison
  12. SIMD vectorization
  13. control-flow analysis


Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2018 Colorado State University