CS614B S11


General Information





Here is the summary of grading criteria. Details will be discussed in class.

  • 10% - Paper summaries
  • 5% - Critique I by Feb 28
  • 10% - Critique II by Apr 15
  • 15% - Paper presentations
  • 10% - Class participation
  • 50% - Project
Final letter grades will be based on the relative distribution of total scores and not on any preset numerical grade.


Paper summaries

Students are expected to read papers before coming to class. They should write a half-page summary for every paper and include a list of 2-3 questions to get full credit. This summary must be turned in at the beginning of every class.


Students will write two critiques during the semester. The first one will be for any paper that was discussed in class before February 28. The second one will take the form of a creative survey using three related papers that were presented in class.

Paper presentations and class participation

Several papers will be made available on RamCT. These papers will be selected from top journals and conferences. The papers will be discussed in class and a student will lead the discussion. Other students must also participate in the discussion. Attendance is a necessary but not sufficient condition to get participation credits for each class.


The project has four parts:

  • 3% Proposal writeup (Mar 10)
  • 3% Proposal presentation (same week)
  • 40% Term paper (last week of classes)
  • 4% Project presentation (last week of classes and finals week)

Last updated: Nov 30, 2010