CS518: Distributed Software Systems Development
Spring 2010
CS518 is a graduate course teaching principles of developing distributed
systems. We cover approaches that use distributed object and component
middleware, aspect-oriented programming, and service-oriented architectures.
CS518 is a programming-intensive course and requires a term paper.
Prerequisites: Operating Systems (CS451 or equivalent course)
and Object-Oriented Design (CS414 or equivalent course),
or written consent of instructor
- Characterization of distributed systems
- Introduction and examples of distributed systems
- System models: architectural models and fundamental models
- Distributed objects and remote method invocation
- Middleware and infrastructure
- Remote method calls
- External data representation and marshalling
- Remote events and notifications
- Detailed Java RMI case study
- Articles on CORBA and Jini
- Aspect-oriented software development
- Introduction to crosscutting concerns and aspects
- Introduction to the AspectJ programming language
- Design patterns for distributed applications
- Introduction to component-based development
- Using UML for component-based design and assignment
- Articles on JavaBeans, Enterprise Java Beans, and CORBA
- Introduction to service-oriented architectures
- Characteristics of SOAs
- Introduction to web services
- Other topics
- OSGi
- Spring framework
- Adaptive middleware
What's New?
Oct 15
Course website under construction for Spring 2010.