- Read the
policy on cheating, incompletes and class attendance.
- You are responsible for any announcements made by email and on RamCT.
- Late work will not be accepted without prior permission. If you cannot
finish the work by the deadline, contact me as soon as possible. Extensions
will be granted on a case-by-case basis and are more likely when permission
is sought in advance, for reasons which are unexpected and beyond your control,
and which involve only a short extension. I reserve the right to assign a score
penalty to the late work, depending on the circumstances and degree of lateness.
If you miss an exam you receive a score of zero.
I will be glad to re-grade work. Contact me as soon as possible for a re-grade.
Work will be re-graded in its entirety, and may result in an increase, decrease,
or no change in the grade.
- Academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely. The first instance of
cheating will result in negative credit. The second instance will result in
a failing grade and other penalties dictated by departmental and university
All written work must be submitted electronically. When printed, it must fit
on 8.5 by 11 paper, have at least 1 inch margins all around and be printed in
10, 11, or 12 point type. All work should be single-spaced. Diagrams may be
drawn by hand and then scanned, but must be neat and legible. Computer-aided
drawing tools may also be used if appropriate. All work must be neat, legible,
and use good English grammar. Illegible work will receive no credit. This
includes work, such as scanned figures, where the print contrast or darkness
are too faint. I reserve the right to define what is or is not legible. The
source code for assignments that require programming solutions must be turned
in electronically.