Belew and Jean-Arcady Meyer, Artificial Life, Adaptive Behavior, and Agents
H Bennett III and David Andre, Analog Circuit Design via Genetic Programming
Cantú-Paz, Analysis, Design,
and Implementation of Parallel Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
Lawrence Davis, Real World Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary
Russell Deaton and Stephen Karl, Introduction to DNA Computing
Kalyanmoy Deb, Messy Genetic Algorithms and Linkage Learning
Ken DeJong, Evolutionary Computation: Comparing and Contrasting
the Different Methodologies
to Ant Colony Optimization
Stephanie Forrest, Immune System Modeling and Computation
Tetsuya Higuchi, Evolvable Hardware
John R. Koza, Introduction to Genetic Programming
W. B. Langdon, Genetic Programming Data Structures
Peter Nordin, Machine Code Genetic Programming
I. C. Parmee, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation in Design
Tom Ray, Tierra Tutorial
Justinian Rosca, Characteristics and Biases of Evolution in GP
Guenter Rudolph, Theory of Evolution Strategies and Evolutionary
Hans-Paul Schwefel, Introduction to Evolution Strategies
Moshe Sipper, Cellular Programming
Lee Spector, Quantum Computation
Leigh Tesfatsion and David McFadzean, Agent-Based Computational
Michael Vose, Genetic Algorithm Theory
Darrell Whitley, Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Stewart Wilson, Classifier Systems