Submitting Papers

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The deadline for arrival at the physical address of the AAAI of eight (8) paper copies of each submitted paper is Tuesday, February 2, 1999. Papers are to be in single-space, 10-point type on 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1" margin at the top and 3/4" margin at left, right, and bottom. A4 paper may be used.  Papers may not be submitted by e-mail or fax. 

The address of the AAAI is:

445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650)328-3123

Each paper is to contain all of the following 9 items, contained entirely within a maximum total of eight (8) pages, IN THIS ORDER:  

  1. The paper's category (chosen from one of the following alternatives: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolvable hardware, classifier systems, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, DNA and molecular computing, real-world applications, artificial life, adaptive behavior, and agents). 
  2. Title of paper. 
  3. Author name(s). 
  4. Author physical address(es). 
  5. Author e-mail address(es). 
  6. Author phone number(s). 
  7. A 50-200 word abstract of the paper at the beginning of the paper. 
  8. The text of the paper (including all figures, tables, acknowledgments, and appendices, if any). 
  9. Bibliography.  

Review criteria will include significance of the work, novelty, clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency of information to permit replication (if applicable).  The first-named author (or other corresponding author designated by the authors at the time of submission) will be notified of acceptance or rejection (on approximately March 3, 1999). 

To avoid future problems and misunderstandings, it is preferred (but not required) that the format of submitted papers roughly follow the required format for final camera-ready papers.  The required style for the final camera-ready papers will be posted on the GECCO WWW page (and will be substantially similar to that of the ICGA-97 and GP-98 conferences). Different numbers of pages may be allocated to accepted papers based on the policies of the various separate program committees of the conference.

An ICGA LaTeX style file and an example of its use are available. 

The LaTeX style sheet for GP-98 is also available packed using tar and a DOS-like zip. The formatting instructions are also available as a MS Word file. .

The deadline for final camera-ready version of accepted papers will be announced (and will be approximately April 7, 1999). There will be two volumes for the conference proceedings books.  By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted, they will submit a final revised camera-ready version and that at least one author will attend and present each accepted paper at the conference.  The material in papers must represent substantially new work that has not been previously published by conferences, journals, or edited books in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation. GECCO permits a paper to be submitted to the GECCO conference that is substantially similar to a paper being contemporaneously submitted for review to another conference; however, by submitting a camera-ready final paper to the GECCO conference, the authors agree that substantially the same material will not be published by another conference in the field (however, material may conceivably be later revised and submitted to an EC journal or material may be submitted to a non-GEC conference, such as an applications conference).