Course Description:

An intermediate level course in Object-Oriented programming. Topics include primitive types, control structures, strings, arrays, objects and classes, data abstraction inheritance polymorphism and an introduction to data structures.

Prerequisites Topics:

  • Be familiar with Objects and Classes
  • Be familiar with methods, method parameters, and parameter passing
  • Master fundamental Java data types
  • Master selection and iteration control structures
  • Be familiar with using String, ArrayList, and Wrapper classes

Course Outcomes:

  • Master the design and implementation of classes using inheritance and polymorphism
  • Master the use and implementation of interfaces
  • Be exposed to writing recursive methods
  • Be familiar with the implementation of linked list data structures
  • Be familiar with the Stack and Queue data structures
  • Be exposed to the Java Collection interface
  • Master analyzing problems and writing Java program solutions to those problems


  • COP 2210 (Programming I)

Final Exam:


Electronic Equipment During Class:

Electronics may not be used during class (laptops, phones, ...). After much consideration, I have come to conclusion that if you come to class, you should be paying attention and electronics do not help. Whenever I do believe that electronics are useful, I will let you know that you can use them.
You are an adult and I want you to utilized electronics devices to aid your learning but I have come to realize that the use of them are less useful for class learning. You can make notes with a pen and paper.
As a default rule, I do ask you to remain from having your cell phone in display and keep it on vibrate mode only (or off). I also ask you to refrain from recording audio or video (or both) during class without prior permission from the instructor. In other words, no video or audio recording is permitted in the classroom.


This is a programming course. Therefore, you will get programming assignments. We do learn concepts as well.

I do ask you to reserve the time needed for this class depending on your own understanding of yourself. In general, I think a good rule of thumb is to reserved 10 hours (outside of class) to study while sufficient time for projects. There may be weeks you may need to adjust this. One student may only need 10 hours in total while another one may need 20-30 hours. Given that you have taken many classes by now, I do trust that you will manage your time wisely. Feel free to ask me about this. When I say 10 hours, I don't mean 10 hours including lecture but plus lecture.

There will a set of projects/assignments to complete. Details and due dates will be posted in the Moodle course system. Project deliverables must be submitted through the Moodle system (no emails -- any email sent with a project will not be graded). All class-related questions should be sent to the instructor with a subject line starting with the keyword “[COP-3337]”. Please always identified yourself with the section and be specific about your question.

Language for Assignments:

Unless noted in course, the only languages allowed in this course is Java. In the exam, you will need to answer using Java.

Instructor's name and information (including office hours), see main course page

Status of Syllabus: Draft (Last Updated: May, 5th, 2017, 7:44am).

Semester: Summer C 2017

Time and Location:

  • Section U01C: ECS 143 - TR 14:40 to 16:25.
  • Always remember your section

Required Textbook(s)

  • Required Text: Big Java (Early Objects), Sixth Edition, ISBN: 978-1-119-05644-7 (E-Text ISBN:978-1-119-14159-4) by Horstmann.

Additional Textbooks

  • NONE

Tentative Outline/Topics

For a detailed schedule, please go to schedule.

About Grading

Please note that FIU starting Fall 2016 does not longer have C-,D+,D-. That means that right after a letter grade C, you will earn a D, and then an F.


  • Final Exam (in-class): 25% (Cumulative)
  • Exams (in-class): 20% (2 exams)
  • Programming Assignments: 40%
  • Team-Project: 10% (Groups of 3-5 students)
  • In-Class Exercises And/Or Quizzes: 5% (You may drop lowest quiz or in-class exercise).
  • Extra Credit: +5% (Optional Assignment -- group of one or two)
  • Extra Credit: +1% (Related to Team-Project, discuss in class)
  • Exercises may be assigned but they will no be collected or graded. However, they are part of the class and they may appear in the exams or quizzes.
  • Attendance is not graded. However, for in-class exercises/quizzes, you must be present to receive credit. These are not announce and it may happen any day that the course is scheduled. Also, in most cases, students that missed classes, miss important information. Therefore, if you miss class, you must try to get from your peers the information that was given. However, in most cases, not all the information is given properly. Please attend.
  • No make up quizzes but you can drop the lowest grade.
  • No make up exam. However, with proper proof, you may use the grade of the final to replace an exam that you were not able to attend because of a medical emergency.
  • Do not plan trips during summer, as this may impact your grade.
  • No make-up final.
  • Incomplete are given at my discretion for extremely rare cases that provide enough merits. To give an incomplete, student must be having a passing grade. Student will only complete what remains.

    Grading Scale:

    • A: 93+
    • A-: 90
    • B+: 87
    • B: 84
    • B-: 80
    • C+: 75
    • C: 70
    • D: 60
    • F: 59 and below
  • Note: I may modified the scale if needed, but it will in your favor. For example, while A usually will stay in 93, I may lower A- to 89. This is done at the end and no information is provided during the process, since it happens after the final exam (except when time allows to inform all of you via Moodle). Of course, you can come to my office after the semester and find out or after finals.

    Performance measures that will be considered for grading

    In most cases, the questions in exams are not multiple-choice. Therefore, if the answer is not clear, the instructor will use judgment and experience to determined the evaluation of such answer. The instructor's judgment is used for all questions, projects, and exams. The judgment is based on the expected answer, experience of the instructor, and understanding of the level that this class is set.

    About assignments and projects

  • Information will be provided via Moodle and/or class. Some guidelines are provided here in the syllabus.
  • Late assignments received a 10% deduction. Late assignments are accepted up to 24 hours from deadline. Late assignments received between 24 to 48 hours (if moodle is enabled), it will received 15% deduction. No assignments will be accepted after that.

    Course Policies

  • Attendance: Attendance is not graded but it may be taken. Missing classes may affect your grade if we have graded activities.
  • Academic Misconduct: For work submitted, it is expected that each student will submit their own original work. Any evidence of duplication, cheating or plagiarism will result at least a failing grade for the course.
  • Deadlines: see Moodle
  • To get assistance, always email me before you come to my office to make sure I'm not with another student or doing some other work. See my office hours.
  • Students are encouraged to ask questions and to discuss course topics with the instructor and with each other.
  • DO NOT send assignments by email. Use Moodle for all communications and assignment submissions. Sending via email will only cause confusion. This is even true when Moodle closes and students will send emails with their assignment. Do not send me attachments via email, unless if I ask you for it.
  • Instructor reserves right to change course materials or dates as necessary.

    Exam Policies

  • Make sure to complete the assigned work in order to do well in the exam.
  • No discussion is permitted during the exams.
  • Part of the exam is understanding the questions in an exam.
  • Instructor is not compelled to give credit for something he cannot read or follow logically.
  • No make-ups. In the case of verifiable emergency, the instructor will make an assessment on how to proceed.
  • I keep all the exams. You can review them the day after the exam and also during my office hours.
  • It is your responsibility to understand the requirements of the exam. Understanding the question is part of the exam.
  • Please do not make travel plans. If you are not here when an exam is given, it is an automatic zero on that particular quiz or exam.

    If is not here, then what?

    Anything not mentioned in the syllabus is left to the discretion of the instructor. You can always ask.


    please note that when you ask for an extension, the professor cannot give you an extension only to you because it will be unfair, but to the entire class. this brings another problem. Then it is also unfair for the people that did submit on time. Therefore, when asking for an exception, remember what you just read. (Unless the extension is because a requirement from DRC.)

    Student Conduct and Learning Environment

    Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and to honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning.
    Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook:

    Can I change this document?

    From Faculty's handbook:

    Instructors retain the right to modify the course syllabus for any reason throughout the semester provided that:

  • Fair and adequate notice is given to enrolled students either by e-mail, in writing, or through online publishing.

  • Modifications to the syllabus are not arbitrary or capricious.

  • Students are not unfairly disadvantaged by mid-semester changes to grading standards, attendance standards, or performance measures.

    NOTE: In most cases, I will only change this document to accommodate the entire class. I will let you know if there are any changes.

    NOTE 2: Moving content around or changing topics is left to the discretion of the instructor, his undertanding of the current students, and it doesn't need to be notified.


  • Code of Academic Integrity:
  • University Policies: academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious holydays, and information on services for students with disabilities
  • If you have any disability make sure you let me know with time to make any accommodation. Also, please make sure you check the FIU Disability Center web site at : I will be more than happy to accommodate any part of this class, based on the recommendation of DRC.

    Incomplete Grade Policy:

    Only given in extreme cases and I reserve the right to deny an incomplete. In most cases, an I grade is given if you need to deploy (military service), serious and documented illness, or documented death of a family member. You cannot use an incomplete to get extra time to finish the class. You must have a passing grade at the moment you request the incomplete. Also, when you request an Incomplete, if approved, it will only allow you to do the work that has not be done or has not past its deadline.

    Important Dates:

    • See FIU Academic Calendar here or by looking at the PDF provided by FIU.

    How to do well in this class (applies to all classes)

    The following items are what I found during my studies to help me. Maybe some will help you

    • Read the book/slides and any other material available to be presented at the class, BEFORE CLASS!  READ EARLY AND OFTEN!
    • Do your own work. Struggling to do homework is a good exercise that will prove to be a great asset in the future.
    • Always challenge yourself.
    • Remember that you are paying tuition. Therefore, try to get the most out of it!
    • Ask questions!
    • If you are having trouble in the class, you may want double the amount of time to study the course.
    • Always do additional exercises. Always read beyond the class!
    • There are great resources online. Use them. You are expected at this level to be able to be self-sufficient.
    • If you are in a graduate course (and it may applied to undergraduate level too), please know that you are expected to do excellent work. Anything less than a B is usually considered failing in graduate schools (of course, each program has their own rules).


    You will need to submit your homework via Moodle. When submitting homework to Moodle, you will need to upload ONE compress file (zip,rar) with the following format: (or .rar) Each homework will stay if you need to print out the homework or not before coming to class. The exception of this is when you are submitting a PDF.


    Go to Moodle for lectures


  • I will try to accommodate legitimate, verifiable cases of illness and emergencies. I do accommodate religious holidays.

  • Link to undergraduate student misconduct.

  • Link to graduate student misconduct.