Course Objectives:

The purpose of this class is to cover networking principles and applied concepts including TCP/IP, routing, firewalls, VPNs, and other networking concepts regarding security. The student is expected to have an understanding of computing and basic programming concepts. I recommend that you have a computer that is running Windows and Linux. You can also use a MacOSX. It is important that you read ahead. You are expected to be mature student at this point. The instructor is here to help. Please let me know if you have any questions. We will be using the two required books.
NOTE: The topics in this class may teach you how to break into a system. However, you must work in a safe environment to avoid any legal complications. Furthermore, the use of some of this techniques may be illegal under US Federal Law or other countries' legal system. Be responsible. Unless you have the legal approval of the government (or institution), you should not performed techniques that may be illegal, as it not only may land you in Jail but they maybe socially unacceptable. Finally, it is always easier to create chaos or destroy (hack into a system) than to build. The beautiful art of building something new will always take more time, more brain power, and will yield higher satisfaction

Status of Syllabus: Current (Last Updated: Aug, 23 at 4:55pm).

Time and Location: Monday and Wednesday (17:00 to 18:15) ECS 134


  • Final Exam (in-class): 30%
  • Mid-Term (in-class): 20%
  • Labs: 10% (See individual grades for lab in blackboard)
  • Class Projects: 40% (This may include a presentation)
  • Extra Credit: +10% points (10% of class) (3 different options available -- see blackboard and attend class).

    Grading Scale:

  • A: 93+
  • A-: 90
  • B+: 86
  • B: 82
  • B-: 78
  • C+: 74
  • C: 70
  • D: 60
  • F: 59 and below
  • Note: I may modified the scale if needed, but it will in your favor. For example, while A usually will stay in 93, I may lower A- to 89. This is done at the end and no information is provided during the process, since it happens after the final exam (except when time allows to inform all of you via moodle). Of course, you can come to my office after the semester and find out.

    About assignments and projects

  • Information will be provided via blackboard and/or class. Some guidelines are provided here in the syllabus.
  • Late assignments received a 15% deduction. Late assignments are accepted 24 hours from deadline.

    Course Policies

  • Attendance: Attendance is not graded but it may be taken. Missing classes may affect your grade if we have graded activities.
  • Academic Misconduct: For work submitted, it is expected that each student will submit their own original work. Any evidence of duplication, cheating or plagiarism will result at least a failing grade for the course.
  • Deadlines: see blackboard
  • To get assistance, always email me before you come to my office to make sure I'm not with another student or doing some other work. See my office hours.
  • Students are encouraged to ask questions and to discuss course topics with the instructor and with each other.
  • DO NOT send assignments by email. Use blackboard for all communications and assignment submissions. Sending via email will only cause confusion and you may end up without a grade. This is even true when blackboard closes and students will send emails with their assignment. Do not send me attachments via email, unless if I ask you for it.
  • Instructor reserves right to change course materials or dates as necessary.

    Exam Policies

  • Make sure to complete the assigned work in order to do well in the exam.
  • No discussion is permitted during the exams.
  • Instructor is not compelled to give credit for something he cannot read or follow logically.

    Student Conduct and Learning Environment

    Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and to honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning.

    Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook:


    Can I change this document?

    From Faculty's handbook:

    Instructors retain the right to modify the course syllabus for any reason throughout the semester provided that:

  • Fair and adequate notice is given to enrolled students either by e-mail, in writing, or through online publishing.

  • Modifications to the syllabus are not arbitrary or capricious.

  • Students are not unfairly disadvantaged by mid-semester changes to grading standards, attendance standards, or performance measures.

    NOTE: In most cases, I will only change this document to accommodate the entire class. I will let you know if there are any changes.


  • Code of Academic Integrity:
  • University Policies: academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious holydays, and information on services for students with disabilities
  • If you have any disability make sure you let me know with time to make any accommodation. Also, please make sure you check the FIU Disability Center web site at : I will be more than happy to accommodate any part of this class, based on the recommendation of DRC.

    Incomplete Grade Policy:

    Only given in extreme cases and I reserve the right to deny an incomplete. In most cases, an I grade is given if you need to deploy (military service), serious and documented illness, or documented death of a family member. You cannot use an incomplete to get extra time to finish the class. You must have a passing grade at the moment you request the incomplete.

    Important Dates:

  • TBA
  • Holidays (university will be closed)

    How to do well in this class (applies to all classes)

    The following items are what I found during my studies to help me. Maybe some will help you

    • Read the book/slides and any other material available to be presented at the class, BEFORE CLASS!  READ EARLY AND OFTEN!
    • Do your own work. Struggling to do homework is a good exercise that will prove to be a great asset in the future.
    • Always challenge yourself.
    • Remember that you are paying tuition. Therefore, try to get the most out of it!
    • Ask questions!
    • If you are having trouble in the class, you may want double the amount of time to study the course.
    • Always do additional exercises. Always read beyond the class!
    • There are great resources online. Use them. You are expected at this level to be able to be self-sufficient.
    • If you are in a graduate course (and it may applied to undergraduate level too), please know that you are expected to do excellent work. Anything less than a B is usually considered failing in graduate schools (of course, each program has their own rules).


    You will need to submit your homework via blackboard. When submitting homework to blackboard, you will need to upload ONE compress file (zip,rar) with the following format: (or .rar) Each homework will stay if you need to print out the homework or not before coming to class. The exception of this is when you are submitting a PDF.


    Go to blackboard for lectures


  • I will try to accommodate legitimate, verifiable cases of illness and emergencies. I do accommodate religious holidays.

  • Link to undergraduate student misconduct.

  • Link to graduate student misconduct.