Task | Points each |
Homework 0 | 1 |
Homework 1–7 | 3 |
Recitations 1−15 | 1 |
iClicker Quizzes 1–15 | 1 |
Midterm Exam | 25 |
Final Exam | 25 |
Grade | Points |
A | ≥ 90 |
B | ≥ 80 |
C | ≥ 70 |
D | ≥ 60 |
F | < 60 |
(no +/− grades) |
- What
CT320: Network and System Administration
- When
Lecture: August 21–December 6, 2018; Tue/Thu 11:00ᴀᴍ–12:15ᴘᴍ
Recitation: L01: Wed 11:00ᴀᴍ–12:50ᴘᴍ, L02: Wed 2:00–3:50ᴘᴍ
Last drop: September 5, 2018; Last withdraw: October 15, 2018
- Where
CSB 130 (lecture), CSB 315 (recitation)
- Textbook
Unix and Linux Administration Handbook,
Prentice Hall (2010),
ISBN: 0131480057,
Nemeth, Snyder, Hein and Whaley (4th edition)
- Instructor
Jack Applin <Applin [snail] ColoState [period] Edu>
(email tips)
- Office Hours
CSB 246:
Tue 12:30–1:30ᴘᴍ,
Thu 12:30–1:30ᴘᴍ, 2:00–3:00ᴘᴍ,
Fri 11:00ᴀᴍ–noon,
and by appointment
Kushagra Tiwary <kushagra [period] tiwary [snail] colostate [period] edu>
- Office Hours
Linux Lab:
Wed 5:00–7:00ᴘᴍ, Fri noon–2:00ᴘᴍ
- The GTA grades everything. If you don’t like your score, talk with the
GTA first, then to the instructor if you still disagree.
- Assignments are done individually.
- Homework is submitted & graded via
, not Canvas.
You can also check in homework via the web.
- Class participation will be measured with weekly
iClicker quizzes.
Get one; register it via Canvas.
- Recitation participation is necessary to complete the class
successfully, since system administration is primarily a hands-on
activity. Part of the class grade comes from successfully finishing
the assigned lab work.
- Tests are curved, homework is not, so, for example, you will see both MIDTERM and MIDTERM-curved versions.
Tests are not returned, but you can schedule time with the instructor to review them.
- There is no extra credit.
Late and Makeup Policy
Midterm and Final:
Make-up exams are only given for documented extraordinary
circumstances (e.g., illness, death of family member). Students must
consult with the instructor as soon as possible, preferably before the
exam. Examination dates are listed in the schedule; be aware of
them and plan accordingly.
No make-ups will be given for missed recitations, since it is a
group activity.
Written assignments are submitted electronically—details with each
assignment. See the schedule & checkin pages for due dates.
The assignment will also specify a late acceptance period which will
include a one-point late penalty. After the late period, submission is
closed; students who have not submitted programs receive no points for
the assignment.
- Reliable ways to contact the CT320 staff:
- Lecture
- Recitation
- Office Hours
- Unreliable techniques:
- Email (we don’t all keep the same hours)
- Piazza (anybody can answer if they want to, or perhaps nobody)
- Lurking at doors (this is a part-time job)
Conduct in Class
Don’t distract the students. I can’t force you to learn,
but you must allow others to do so. This means:
- Do not distract others with conversation.
- Do not distract others with your phone.
- Do not distract others by using your laptop in front of the class.
- If you snore, I will wake you up.
A student copies
but she has cheated herself
and so fails the class
Review the
CSU Honor Pledge
and follow it.
Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance,
discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the
Student Information Guide.
All other matters follow the policies set in the current
CSU General Catalog,
Student Conduct Code,
and in the
CS Dept. Code of Conduct.
Writing a program comprises two phases: design and implementation.
You must do both on your own. It is unacceptable to have joint design
but separate implementations.
- You may not copy or use, all or in part, someone else’s work.
- You may not give your work, all or in part, to someone else for any reason.
- You may not collaborate to produce one product turned in multiple times.
- You may not use work done in a previous semester by someone else.
- You may not post assignments on the internet.
- It is your responsibility to keep your work private from all others.
You MAY discuss assignments but the work you turn in must be your own.
You have crossed the line if you start comparing someone else’s work to
your own (or vice versa). You have crossed the line if you cannot
explain/understand the work you submit. “I copied it from the internet”
is not an explanation.