See this page as a slide show
How to take a test.
- Leave the test face-down until I tell you to start.
- All electronics must be put away.
- Yes, even your phone.
- On the table next to you is not “away”.
- Circle true/false, multiple-choice answers.
- Multiple answers must all be correct.
- If you have a question, raise your hand. Speak quietly.
- No bathroom breaks. If you leave, your test is over.
- When finished, show us ID, and turn in your test.
I want your eID on the test. This is not your CSUID.
- eID: something like “jsmith”
- CSUID: a number, like 812345678
Ink is cheap
- This is a good size.
- This is too small.
- This is really somewhat crowded and a poor use of space.
Dark Enough
- This is readable.
- This is too dim.
Color matters
- Black is fine.
- Blue is fine.
- Red is confusing—we use red for grading.