
Three headers follow: ! Long name of class !! Semester !!! Syllabus, replaced by the name of the current page.

CT320: Network and System Administration

Fall 2013


Links to the various pages for this class:

Wish I could do this: * Schedule

Semester Project20%
Midterm Exam15%
Final Exam30%
Grade   Points
A≥ 90
B≥ 80
C≥ 70
D≥ 60
F< 60
(no +/- grades)
CT320: Network and System Administration
Lecture: Aug 26–Sep 27, 2013; MWF 10:00–10:50ᴀᴍ
Recitation: Mon 11:00ᴀᴍ–12:40ᴘᴍ, Thu 5:00–6:50ᴘᴍ
CSB 130 (lecture), CSB 315 (recitation)
Unix and Linux Administration Handbook, Prentice Hall (2010),
ISBN: 9780131480056, Nemeth, Snyder, Hein and Whaley (4th edition)
Jack Applin <> (email tips)
Office Hours
see my calendar
Amila Suriarachchi <>
Office Hours
Linux Lab; Friday: 11:00ᴀᴍ–1:00ᴘᴍ


Each phase of the semester project is worth 4% of your total grade, for a total of 20%.

Project Proposal

What you want to do

Project Planning

How you want to do it

Lab Demo

The format for the lab demo is a 10–15 minute slot (without slides) to show off the project. The grading criteria for demo is to what extent the demo reflects what was promised in the project proposal and planning.

Slide Presentation

The format for the slide presentation is a 10–15 slide set, approximately the same amount of time as the demo, with the key points and a couple of screenshots to show what you have done. The grading criteria for the slide presentation is to what extent you understand your own project and how well you communicate it.

Project Report

The grading criteria for the report is how thoroughly you have documented your project, including what you installed, configured, or implemented, what challenges you faced, and what the outcome was. The format for the project report is to include all previous sections from the project proposal and planning, adding an additional 5–6 pages that describes what was done. Screenshots are optional in the project report.


The GTA grades everything. If you don’t like your score, talk with him first, then to the instructor if you still disagree.

Homework is submitted & graded via RamCT.

Late and Makeup Policy

Midterm and Final:

Make-up exams are only given for extraordinary circumstances (e.g., illness, death of family member). Students must consult with the instructor as soon as possible, preferably before the start of the exam. Examination dates are listed in the syllabus; be aware of them and plan accordingly.


No make-ups will be given for missed recitations. We drop your lowest score to accommodate excuses.


Written assignments are submitted electronically. Details of how this is done appears with the first assignment. Always check the assignment page for due dates. The due date will include a day and time. The assignment will also specify a late acceptance period which will include a late penalty of 20%. After the late period, electronic submission is closed; students that have not submitted programs receive no points for the assignment.

Conduct in Class

Don’t distract the students. I can’t force you to learn, but you must allow others to do so. This means:


Students not already familiar with the CSU Honor Pledge should review this clear and simple pledge and always adhere to it.

Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance, discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the Student Information Guide. All other matters follow the policies set in the current CSU General Catalog, and in the CS Dept. Code of Conduct.

Modified: 2013-10-03T22:22

User: Guest

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