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CT320: Network and System Administration

Fall 2013

R 4

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Recitation 4 (R4)

CT 320: Network and Systems Administration

Group Project

Backup and Storage Lab

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with some of the disk and storage commands, and to teach you how to do backups using the dump and restore commands that are included in the Fedora distribution.

Part 1 – Storage Lab

For each item, copy the successful execution of the command and its output to the R4.log file, which will be submitted to receive credit for this lab. Add answers to questions or comments as requested in a short paragraph.

  1. Use su to become super user.
  2. Use df -k to list the mounted drives on the system.
  3. Display the /etc/fstab configuration file.
  4. Describe the file systems that are mounted.
  5. Use the pvdisplay command to display the physical volumes.
  6. What is the device file and capacity for the hard disk drive?
  7. Use the lvdisplay command to display the logical volumes.
  8. What are the logical volumes?
  9. Do the logical volumes use the entire capacity of the hard disk drive?
  10. Put the Fedora install DVD into the optical drive.
  11. Fedora should automount the DVD, where is the mount point?
  12. What is the device file for the DVD drive?
  13. Can you browse the DVD using a console window?
  14. Unmount the DVD using the umount device command.
  15. What does the listing of the mount point look like now?
  16. Make a directory called /mnt/dvd to mount the DVD.
  17. Remount the DVD using mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/dvd
  18. Explain the options from the previous item.
  19. Browse the DVD on the new mount point, and list the packages in Packages/d.

Part 2 – Backup Lab

Use the dump and restore commands to backup the entire set of home directories on your system, as follows:

  1. Add a new user called kennedy, and create several files and directories in the associated home directory.
  2. Do a full backup of all home directories into /tmp/complete using the command dump -0uf /tmp/complete /home, and list the size of the resulting backup.
  3. Add a new file to the home directory of kennedy, then do an incremental backup of /home into /tmp/incremental, and list the size of the resulting backup.
  4. What options were different between the complete and incremental backups?
  5. Delete the entire contents of /home/kennedy and restore it using the command restore -rf /tmp/complete from the complete backup.
  6. Put the commands from above into R4.log, and add a couple of paragraphs about using the dump and restore commands for backup.

Part 3 – Checkin

Check in R4.log with Part 1 and Part 2 clearly marked. Add a comment block with your personal information, as follows:

    # Students: Student 1, Student 2, ...
    # Ids: 8xx-xx-xxxx, 8xx-xx-xxxx, ...
    # Course: CT320
    # Assignment: Recitation R4
    # Date: YYYY-MM-DD

Turn your R4.log file into the Recitation 4 drop box on RamCT. The lab is done in teams, but each student must submit to get credit.

Modified: 2013-09-21T15:29

User: Guest

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