CSx55: Distributed Systems

[Schedule] [Assignments] [Infospaces] [Grading] [Syllabus]




The weights associated with different elements of the course are listed below.

Course Element Weight
Assignments (4) 60% [15, 15, 15, 15]
Term project & presentation 10%
Quizzes 10%
Midterm 10%
Final Exam 10%

Letter grades will be based on the following standard breakpoints: >= 90 is an A, >= 88 is an A-, >=86 is a B+, >=80 is a B, >=78 is a B-, >=76 is a C+, >=70 is a C, >=60 is a D, and <60 is an F. I will not cut higher than this, but I may cut lower.


Professional Conduct
All students are expected to conduct themselves professionally. We (the instructors and GTAs) assume you are familiar with the policies in the student information sheet for the department and the department conduct code. Additionally, you are computing professionals, albeit perhaps just starting. You should be familiar with the code of conduct for the primary professional society, ACM. You can read the ACM Code of Conduct HERE.

This course will adhere to the CSU Academic Integrity Policy as found in the Student Conduct Code. At a minimum, violations will result in a grading penalty in this course and a report to the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services.

Students not already familiar with the CSU Honor Pledge should review this clear and simple pledge and always adhere to it. Academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely. The first instance of cheating will result in negative credit. The second instance will result in a failing grade and other penalties dictated by departmental and university policies.

We work to maintain an environment supportive of learning in the classroom and laboratory. Towards that end, we require that you be courteous to and respectful of your fellow participants (i.e., classmates, instructors, GTAs and any tutors). In particular: 

  • Please turn off the ring on your cell phone. If you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the door and slide out discretely to take it.
  • If at any time the instructor judges that an electronic device is becoming a distraction the student may be asked to to turn it off and put it away.

We require you to follow the guidelines listed below for postings on Piazza:

  • Be professional.
  • Be courteous.
  • Do not post any questions about your grade or any grading issues. Such questions are private communication and must be emailed.
  • Do not post any opinions regarding your graded assignment or any aspect of the course. You will have a chance to submit anonymous reviews at the end of the semester. Email feedback to the instructor regarding the course is acceptable and welcome.
  • The instructor reserves the right to delete postings that do not promote a conducive learning experience for students in the class.



Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2024 Colorado State University