Here is a listing of the individual research groups that meet regularly and are open to CS 793 students for Fall 2023.

Approximate counting and sampling
Ewan Davies is leading a reading group and seminar on counting and sampling. We are interested in when NP-hard optimization and counting problems have efficient approximation algorithms, and the connections such problems have to math, physics and political science. Meetings are irregular but typically occur Tuesdays between the hours of 9am and 11am in CSB 448. Please email for details, enquiries about the schedule, and the possibility of remote attendance (Zoom/Teams).
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Chuck Anderson is leading a group discussing background needed to perform BCI experiments with current EEG recording facilities in the department. See theSeminar Schedule for topics. Meetings are Thursdays 2:00 to 3:30 PM in Room 452 and on MS Teams.
Communicating with Computers
Ross Beveridge, Francisco Ortega, Nate Blanchard and Nikhil Krishnaswamy are leading a group this semester focused on Computer Vision and Human Centered Computing. CwC combines research in Computer Vision, Human Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing to develop ways for people and computers to communicate. The group meets Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. See the Seminar Schedule for topics.
Computer Science Education
Marcia Moraes and Sudipto Ghosh are overseeing a group focusing on the intersection between Computer Science and Education. Meetings are every other week on Mondays 9:00 to 9:45 AM in CSB 452 starting 8/28/2023.
Deep learning in Genomics and Structural Biology
This group, being led by Asa Ben-Hur, will look at deep learning methods for analyzing protein 3d structures and various types of genomics data. The group meets Thursdays at 4PM.
Extended Reality Research Group
Mohammed Arefin and Francisco Ortega lead a research discussion group about different human-centered topics in extended reality (including virtual and augmented reality). Most of the publications come from human-computer interaction and human-factors venues. Please take a look at the seminar document for details. The group meets Mondays from 2 pm to 3 pm in CSB 305.
Human-Aware AI and Planning Group
This group, being led by Sarath Sreedharan, will look at various works done in the area of Human-AI interaction and Planning. The group meets on Friday 12:30 in CSB 425.
Natural Language Processing
Nikhil Krishnaswamy leads a group on natural language processing and situated and embodied AI. Topics are a combination of research presentations and paper discussions. Meetings are Fridays at 2:00pm in Room 305 or on Zoom for remote attendees. Contact for Zoom information.
Programming Languages / High Performance Computing / Formal Methods
The csu-pl-hpc-fm group, led by Jed McClurg, Vinayak Prabhu and Sanjay Rajopadhye meets Tuesday from 9:45AM to 11:00AM. Please contact the Sanjay Rajopadhye to get on the mailing list, and see the current semester schedule for additional details.
Security Group Meeting
The Security group, led by Indrajit Ray and Indrakshi Ray, focuses on cutting edge research in cyber security, cyber physical systems security, social network security, and social cyber security. The group meets every Monday 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in CSB 130 and via Zoom. See the current schedule for zoom link and additional details.

When thinking about Department Seminars, also track CS 692 (BMAC) - The CS Colloquium.