Here is a listing of the individual research groups that are part of
CS 793 this semester.
- Computer Vision
The Computer Vision Group meets every Monday 1:00 to 2:00PM in CSB
The group is jointly led by Ross Beveridge and Bruce Draper.
Here is their CS
793 Information.
- Deep Learning
This CS793 group is led by Chuck Anderson. It
meets Tuesdays from 2 to 3pm in CSB 305.
See the Fall 2017
Schedule for additional details.
- Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing
This CS793 group is led by Shrideep Pallickara
. It meets Fridays in CSB 305 from 10:00-11:00 am. See the Fall 2017
schedule for additional information.
- HPC/Accelerators/Languages/Compilation
The Mélange group, led by Sanjay
Rajopadhye and Louis-Noël
Pouchet meets Wednesdays from 10 to 11 in CSB 305.
See the
Fall 2017 Schedule for additional details.
- Security and Privacy
This semester Indrakshi
Ray and Indrajit
Ray are leading a weekly seminar on Security and Privacy. The
group meets Monday from 1:00 to 2:00 in CSB 425.
See the Fall 2017
schedule for additional details
When thinking about Department Seminars, also track CS 692 (BMAC) -
The CS Colloquium.