Assignments will be posted here during the course of the semester as they are made available to the class.
For the reading assignments and quizzes see the progress page.
Semester Long Project
Homework Assignments
- HW0: Review, must be done with latex
(Was due 1/24/12 at 11:59pm, now due Friday 1/26/12 at 11:59pm,
HW0 example solution)
- HW1: OpenMP programs on multicore and Cray (Due Wednesday February 8 at 11:59pm.
SpMV example for HW1 posted January 30th.)
- HW2: Estimating realistic peak performance and performance optimization by hand (Has been canceled. Will be incorporated into HW3.)
- HW3: CUDA N-body example with loop transformations (galaxy.tar)
- HW4: by hand specification of transformations in frameworks
- HW5: Omega exercise
- HW6: AlphaZ exercise
- HW7: Pluto exercise
- HW8, hw8-poly-operations.tex: manipulating polyhedral sets and relations by hand
- HW9: polyhedral operations, imperfectly nested loops
- HW10: scheduling and code generation problems