CS 470 Computer Architecture
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CS 470 Computer Architecture

Spring 2025
Computer Science Department

CS 270 Policies


Students are expected to attend lectures, where information will be given that is not available at any other place. Attendance at recitations is recorded and contributes to your grade. Students are expected to:

Excused absences are handled in accordance with CSU policies. If you are ill please let us know right away. CSU requires verifiable proof (e.g. a note from the health center) for students who wish to not be penalized for missed classes and work.

We also do not want you to come to class ill. Make-up work will need to be explicitly negotiated. The objectives include: getting students to class; not spreading illness; and making sure students who are ill receive appropriate treatment.
The material in this course (including learning to come to class and stay awake) is important. Excessive absences will affect your grade.


Lab work is completed during recitations, and will be verified by the TA during the session. There is no make-up for recitation sections. You may attend a recitation other the one you are registered for only if there is space available. Students registered for a recitation have first priority.

Turning in Work

Assignments will be submitted via Checkin unless stated otherwise.

Collaboration: We encourage you to talk with other students about your assignments and questions, but make sure you do your own homework. You may not copy another student's program or other work (either with or without their knowledge), nor write code or other work for them. Please read the departmental policy statement regarding incompletes, academic integrity, and class attendance. This policy statement can be read here: student information.

In addition to responsibilities enumerated in the Colorado State University Student Conduct Code, the Computer Science Department advocates rights and responsibilities of conduct for all its Members: faculty, staff and students, in accordance with the intent of the Code of Ethics of the Association of Computing Machinery. In particular, all department members are obligated to

  1. Respect the rights of others and protect fundamental human rights including respect of the diversity of all cultures, and to foster a safe and comfortable social environment.
  2. Avoid harm to others:
    1. All members are expected to treat one another with professional courtesy at all times. Harassment or humiliation of one member by another will not be tolerated.
    2. Members will dress appropriately for an educational and professional setting, refraining from modes of dress that may shock or disturb others.
    3. Members will refrain from using offensive or abusive language.
    4. Members will refrain from offensive public displays, including on computer monitors, wall posters, or engaging in overt public disturbances.
  3. Be honest and trustworthy:
    1. Members will relate honestly with one another, will not submit work that is not their own (unless properly cited), will keep their promises, and will act to merit the trust of others.
    2. Members should adhere to the ACNS policy on acceptable use of computing resources.
  4. Be fair and take action not to discriminate:
    1. Members will treat others fairly, evenhandedly and without capriciousness. a. Members will not single out any other Members or groups of Members for discrimination or criticism or unwelcome treatment especially based on race, physical characteristics, age, gender, religious convictions, or membership in any cultural group.
  5. Honor property rights:
    1. Members will respect the personal property of others.
  6. Give proper credit for intellectual property:
    1. Members will respect the work product of others, and will never claim ownership of intellectual work of others as their own.
  7. Respect the privacy of others:
    1. a. Members will respect the rights of others to be left alone, and will refrain from unwelcome actions towards them, and unwanted intrusions into their affairs.

For questions, explanations, or to report violations, contact your instructor or appropriate department administrator. Mediation of violations will be conducted within the Department and may be referred to the CSU Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Office.

Colorado State University students should be familiar with the University Honor Pledge.