CS370: Operating Systems

[Schedule] [Assignments] [Grading] [Syllabus] [Infospaces] [Canvas] [Home]


The weights associated with different elements of the course are listed below.

Course Element Weight
Assignments 45% [5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10 (Term Project)]
Extra-Credit 3.5% [Optional] [1.5 + 2]
Quizzes 10% [10-best out of 12 or 13]
Mid Term 20%
Final Exam 25%

Letter grades will be based on the following standard breakpoints: >= 90 is an A, >= 88 is an A-, >=86 is a B+, >=80 is a B, >=78 is a B-, >=76 is a C+, >=70 is a C, >=60 is a D, and <60 is an F. I will not cut higher than this, but I may cut lower.

There is no extra credit. Any points you earn will be on a level playing field with the rest of your peers.

Track the schedule page of the course website daily. The schedule page includes a time-stamp of when it was last updated. Make sure that you refresh this page.
Ensure that you complete the reading and programming assignments

Policies for Makeup exams and Late Submissions:
The dates for all exams, excluding quizzes, will be announced. All exams (quizzes, midterm and the comprehensive Final) will be held in the same classroom as regular lectures. There will be no make-up exams for missed quizzes, mid-term, and finals. If you have a family or medical emergency that prevents you from attending the midterm, or the final, let me know as soon as possible and provide documentation to reschedule.

There will be 12 quizzes; 2 quizzes where you had your lowest scores will be dropped and we will use your 10 highest scores. If you walk into class more than 30 minutes late, there is an automatic 75% deduction on the quiz for that day; there will be no negative scores.

All assignments are due at 8:00 PM on the due date. There is a late penalty of 10% per-day for up to a maximum of 2 days. Submissions are automatically disabled 48 hours after assignments are due -- if you have not submitted the assignment by then, you will receive an automatic zero. Submitting the wrong files results in an automatic ZERO: a one-time exception with a 40% deduction will be allowed for each student. All assignments will be posted at least 2 weeks prior to its due date. We will have a mix of both written and programming assignments. All assignments will be posted on the assignments page.

All students are expected to be familiar with the policies in the department's student information sheet available here.

This course will adhere to the CSU Academic Integrity Policy as found in the General Catalog and the Student Conduct Code. At a minimum, violations will result in a grading penalty in this course and a report to the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services.



Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2025 Colorado State University