CS 270 presents a top-down introduction to computer architecture after students have completed an introduction to Java programming.
The concepts in this course will be reinforced through assignments in C, LC3 assembly language, and Logisim based circuit design.
The textbook covers this material in a bottom-up fashion so we will cover the chapters in a different order. See the Progress page for more information.
Graded activities will occur each week.
CS 163/4 (C or better), CS 200/220 (or concurrent registration), MATH 141 or MATH 155 or MATH 160 (C or better).
Activity | Weight | Description |
Assignments | 25% | C and LC3 programs, logic designs |
Recitations | 15% | Attendance and Completion |
Quizzes | 12% | iClicker and Canvas |
Midterm | 16% | First Midterm |
Midterm | 16% | Second Midterm |
Final Exam | 16% | Final |
Letter Grade | Points |
A | ≥90% |
B | ≥80% |
C | ≥70% |
D | ≥60% |
F | <60% |
Midterm and Final Exams: Examination dates are listed in the syllabus; be aware of them and plan accordingly. Make-up exams are only given for extraordinary circumstances (e.g., illness, death of family member). Students must notify the instructor as soon as possible, preferably before the start of the exam, so other arragmentments can be made.
On-line Quizzes: On-line quizzes will use Canvas. five attempts within the given period are permitted.
Recitations: Make-ups will be given for missed recitations if you have a documented and approved excuse. Please arrange with the instructor.
Programming assignments: Programs are submitted electronically. Details of how this is done appears with the first assignment. Always check the progress page for due dates. The due date will include a day and time. The assignment may specify a late acceptance period which will include a late penalty of 20%. After the late period, electronic submission is closed; students that have not submitted programs receive zero points for the assignment.
First Midterm | |
Second Midterm | |
Final Exam (Early Access) |