About the Course
This course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer organization, beginning with digital circuits, gates, and binary representation of data and instructions; building up through the von Neumann model, Instruction Set Architecture and assembly language; and ending with C programming interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C or assembly.Welcome to CS 270
This page contains information for cs270, including syllabus, lecture schedule, assignments, recitations, links, and feedback.
RamCT has links to this web page, and has additional information, including discussions, class email, assignment submissions (homeworks and programs), online quizzes. etc. Please login to RamCT regularly to see announcements.
Important Updates:
- PA1 due Feb 8, 1 PM
- Quiz 2 due Feb 11, 1 PM
- HW2 due Feb 15, 1 PM
- Quiz 3, Feb 18, 1 PM
Syllabus -
Office Info: please see lab hours below.
Lectures (Glover 130)
Lectures will present material that is not covered anywhere else. Slide sets are available on the class web page.- Tues, Thurs. 9:30-10:45pm
Recitations (CSB 225)
Recitation sections are required and part of your grade. Attend the recitation for which you are enrolled every week.- R01 - Tuesday 1:00-1:50pm
- R02 - Tuesday 11:00-11:50am
- R02 - Wednesday 11:00-11:50am
- R03 - Thursday 11:00-11:50am
GTA Office hours / Lab Hours (CSB 120)
Lab hours are where you can get help with homework and assignments. Please don't wait until the day the programming assignment is due.- Tu: Noon-2 (Navini)
- Th: :8AM-9AM (Joe), 6PM-7PM (Navini)
- Fri: , Noon-1 (Navini), 2:30PM-5PM (Joe).
Class Communication
Announcements, Email, Quizzes, Assignments RamCTDiscussions: Piazza
Web Page: www.cs.colostate.edu/~cs270
Course Requirements
- CS 161
- Math 141/155/160
- CS 200 (co-requisite)
- Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits and Gates to C and Beyond, by Y. Patt and S. Patel, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed.
- Read the announcements on the course webpage daily.
- Complete the reading assignments listed on the Lectures link on the course webpage.
- Complete the homework assignments listed on the Assignments link on the course webpage.
- Attend lectures and your weekly recitation.
(Grades will be posted on RamCT)- Assignments, 40%
- Quizzes, 8%
- Recitations, 5%
- Midterm, 20%
- Final, 25%
- Participation 2%
Final Grade: Based on the final weighted percentage computed from the above. The grades are assigned using this scheme: A ≥90%, B ≥80%, C ≥ 70%, D ≥60%, F <60%. We will not cut higher than these points (but reserve the prerogative to cut lower).
If you have a family or medical emergency that prevents you from attending a recitation, the midterm, or the final, let the instructor know as soon as possible and be able to provide documentation such as a doctors note. Late assignments submitted within the late period will receive a 25% late penalty.
Course Policies
- You are to show respect to the instructor, teaching assistants, CS department and fellow students. Please read the CS Department Code of Ethics based on the ACM Code.
- Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance, discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the Student Information Guide . This course will adhere to the CSU Academic Integrity Policy as found in the (General Catalog) and the (Student Conduct Code). At a minimum, violations will result in a grading penalty in this course and a report to the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services. cs270team Last modified: Jan 18, 2013