External Links -
Tutorials- An introduction to C
- Common C Errors
- Department Help Documents
- RamCT student tutorial
- Checkin: How to Turn In Your Homework
- Gnu Debugger Web Page
- Logisim Web Page
- Logisim Tutorial
- Logisim Software (used in previous semester)
- Logisim Software (newest version)
- LC-3 Simulator
- UNIX Make Utility
- Subversion manual
- Fritz's Number Conversion
- Fritz's Setting your $PATH variable
- Fritz's Converting C to LC3
- Floating Point Conversion (hexadecimal to decimal)
- Floating Point Conversion (decimal to hexadecimal)
- Big Endian vs. Little Endian: UMass notes, UMD Notes
- 64-bit versus 32-bit article
- Logical Completeness
- Digital Logic Gates - Interactive Web Site