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numconv.h File Reference

Defines interface of numconv.c functions (do not modify) More...

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char int2char (int radix, int digit)
int char2int (int radix, char digit)
void divRem (int numerator, int divisor, int *quotient, int *remainder)
int ascii2int (int radix, const char *str)
void int2ascii (int radix, int value)
double ascii2double (int radix, const char *str)

Detailed Description

This file defines the interface to a C file numconv.c that you will complete. You will learn how to use the C language operators for address-of (&), and dereferencing pointers *). This will serve as a model when you implement the same functions in LC3 assembly language.

Function Documentation

double ascii2double ( int  radix,
const char *  str 

Convert the string to a double. This function is for extra credit.

radix- the base you are working in (2-36)
str- the string may contain the character '.' and the characters that follow it are the fractional portion of the number,
the value as a double or -1.0 on error.
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.
int ascii2int ( int  radix,
const char *  str 

Convert a string to an integer value

radix- the base you are working in (2-36)
str- the string
the number represented by the string or -1 on error
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.
int char2int ( int  radix,
char  digit 

Return the value corresponding to the character.

radix- the base you are working in (2-36)
digit- character '0' .. '9' or 'A'..'Z' 'a' .. 'z'
value in the range of 0 - (base-1) if c is valid in the base. Otherwise return -1;
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.
void divRem ( int  numerator,
int  divisor,
int *  quotient,
int *  remainder 

Calculate both the quotient and remainder of a division and return the values via pointers. You may use the C operators for division (/) and modulus (%). However, you might want to write a loop to using repeated subtraction do the calculations to help you understand how you will implement this in LC3 assembly language (which has no operators for division or modulus).

numerator- non-negative value for numerator
divisor- a positive value to divide by
quotient- a pointer to the location to store the result of division
remainder- a pointer to the location to store the remainder
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.
void int2ascii ( int  radix,
int  value 

Print a number in the specified base. Use the C call putchar() to print a single character obtained using int2char(). This corresponds to the OUT instruction of the LC3 OS. You may not use any other C I/O routine for printing. This function MUST be implemented recursively. Your program can not use arrays or strings in C, even if you know about them.

radix- the base you are working in (2-36)
value- the number to print
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.
char int2char ( int  radix,
int  digit 

Return the character corresponding to the digit.

radix- the base you are working in (2-36)
digit- a value in the range of 0 - (base-1)
- character '0' .. '9' or 'A'..'Z' if the value is legal. Otherwise return '?'
your name goes here
implement in numconv.c based on documentation contained in numconv.h.