
This course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer architecture, beginning with digital gates and number representation; building up through the Von Neumann model, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and assembly language; and ending with C programs interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C. In CS 270 students write a number of C programs to learn concepts by programming them and to build confidence in the C programming language, which is an important language used frequently in industry and systems research. There will be at least one deliverable a week.


Chris Wilcox
Office: COMSC 256
Office Hours: Thu. 11:00am-noon, Fri. 11:00am-noon
Lecture: 12:30-1:45pm, TH, ENGRG 100
Rahul Dutta
Arefin Shimon

Dec. 15 (Chris) PA10 is graded and posted on the checkin tab and RamCT.

Dec. 15 (Rahul) I will have a help desk on 16th December from 4-5:00 PM in Lab120 for CS270 Finals.

Dec. 14 (Rahul) R15 is graded and posted, based only on attendance.

Dec. 14 (Rahul) I am having office hours from 4-6:00PM today(Sunday) in LAB120.

Dec. 13 (Chris) Because of popular demand, R15 solution is posted on progress tab.

Dec. 13 (Chris) Final peer instruction survey quiz is graded.

Dec. 12 (Chris) PA10 deadline is extended until 11:59am tomorrow. (Dec. 13)

Dec. 11 (Chris) Help session from 2-4pm tomorrow in the CS120 lab.

Dec. 11 (Chris) Computer architecture slides are posted.

Dec. 10 (Chris) Limited preliminary testing is running for PA10.

Dec. 7 (Chris) Posted some updates to PA10, including the grading criteria and more information on the disassembler option.

Dec. 7 (Chris) Peer Instruction 12 is graded and entered into RamCT.

Dec. 3 (Chris) PA9A and PA9B are graded and posted on RamCT and the checkin tab.

Nov. 24 (Chris) Progress page for week 14 has been posted, PA10 is no longer preliminary.

Nov. 24 (Chris) Peer Instruction 10 and 11 are graded and entered into RamCT.

Nov. 21 (Chris) Lowest recitation and peer instruction score have been dropped in RamCT.

Nov. 21 (Chris) Final 25 points on PA8 have been entered into RamCT.

Nov. 21 (Fritz) Some changes have been made to PA10, see Piazza for details.

Nov. 16 (Chris) PA9A and PA9B due date has been postponed until Thursday, Nov. 20 at 11:59pm.

Nov. 12 (Chris) Remainder of PA8 will be graded next week during R13.

Nov. 10 (Chris) PA8 is graded and posted on RamCT and the checkin tab.

Nov. 8 (Chris) The specification for PA9A is complete and will be explained next lecture.

Nov. 7 (Chris) Checkin for PA8 is enabled, but testing is not. This assignment is very easy to test by yourself.

Nov. 7 (Chris) Progress page for week 12 is posted, but PA9 assignments are incomplete and will be revised!

Nov. 7 (Chris) Regrade requests and late submissions will not be done until next weekend.

Nov. 7 (Chris) I will be out of the office until Tuesday morning.

Nov. 7 (Chris) Peer instruction 8 and 9 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Nov. 3 (Chris) PA7 is graded and posted on RamCT and the checkin tab.

Oct. 29 (Chris) PA7 automated grading is running.

Oct. 27 (Chris) Peer instruction 7 scores are posted to RamCT.

Oct. 27 (Chris) PA6 is graded and posted on RamCT and the checkin tab.

Oct. 26 (Chris) PA6 is due at 11:59pm as shown on the assignment, and checkin now matches.

Oct. 24 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted with PA7.

Oct. 17 (Chris) Remaining grading issues will be resolved by Sunday night.

Oct. 17 (Chris,Rahul,Shimon) Midterm exams are graded and posted on RamCT.

Oct. 17 (Chris,Rahul,Shimon) HW3 is graded and posted.

Oct. 16 (Chris) Peer instruction 6 is posted to RamCT, including paper submissions.

Oct. 14 (Chris) PA6 is posted and automated grading is running.

Oct. 13 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted with PA6, note the due date!

Oct. 12 (Chris) PA5 regrading is in progress, might be a few more days.

Oct. 12 (Chris) HW2 is graded and posted, and so is the R7 recitation.

Oct. 8 (Chris) The simple state machine example from lecture is posted on the Programs tab.

Oct. 7 (Rahul) PA5 is graded and posted on RamCT and the checkin tab, first 75 points only.

Oct. 7 (Rahul) HW2 (online in RAMCT) is graded and posted, first 45 points only.

Oct. 7 (Rahul) R6 is graded and posted in RAMCT.

Oct. 6 (Chris) If your peer instruction scores are zero, check the list of unregistered remotes on the Resource tab.

Oct. 6 (Chris) Peer instruction quiz scores are posted to RamCT.

Oct. 3 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted with HW3.

Oct. 3 (Chris) PA5 can be submitted via Checkin tab, with no preliminary testing!

Oct. 1 (Chris) Lecture recordings (starting 9/30) are on the Programs tab.

Sep. 25 (Chris) The midterm date will remain on Oct. 16, during class.

Sep. 25 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted with PA5 but not HW3 yet.

Sep. 22 (Chris) PA4 has been regraded to remove all penalties for extra debug statements.

Sep. 22 (Rahul) PA4 is graded and posted on RamCT and the Checkin page. We will be running Moss on your PA4 programs. R4 is graded and posted.

Sep. 20 (Chris) HW2 is posted, half is a RamCT quiz, half is on paper.

Sep. 21 (Chris) PA4 is extended to 10pm without late penalty.

Sep. 19 (Chris) Restarted testing for PA4 after reboots at 7pm.

Sep. 15 (Chris) Automated testing is running for PA4.

Sep. 14 (Rahul) PA3 is graded and posted on RamCT and the Checkin page.

Sep. 11 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted along with PA4.

Sep. 8 (Chris) Automated testing is running for PA3.

Sep. 8 (Chris) HW1 is graded and posted on RamCT.

Sep. 8 (Chris) PA2 is graded and posted on RamCT and the Checkin page.

Sep. 7 (Chris) You can use the math library now on PA2.

Sep. 7 (Chris) The due date for PA2 is now today at 11:59PM.

Sep. 7 (Chris) R2 is graded and posted on RamCT, all submissions received full credit.

Sep. 7 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted along with PA3.

Sep. 6 (Chris) Automated grading restarted at 7pm after reboots.

Sep. 5 (Rahul) I will be having office hours this Sunday from 3-5PM in COMSC 225.

Sep. 5 (Shimon) Please turn in answer sheet of recitation R2 in Dropbox tab of RamCT by Friday, Sep. 5 in order to be graded!

Sep. 4 (Chris) Peer instruction groups are posted on the resources page.

Sep. 3 (Chris) Please bring iClickers to the lecture tomorrow (Sep. 4).

Sep. 3 (Chris) Automated testing is running for PA2 and HW1 is posted on RamCT.

Sep. 2 (Chris) PA1 is graded and posted on RamCT and the Checkin page.

Aug. 29 (Chris) The first homework will be available on RamCT on Sep. 1 at 8:00am.

Aug. 22 (Chris) This website is now current for Fall 2014, welcome to the class!