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assembler.h File Reference

Defines the interface to assembler.c functions (do not modify) More...

#include "lc3.h"
#include "symbol.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  line_info


#define LC3AS_VAR   extern
#define ERR_OPEN_READ   "could not open '%s' for reading."
#define ERR_OPEN_WRITE   "could not open '%s' for writing."
#define ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG   "source line too long (max is %d)"
#define ERR_NO_ORIG   "no .ORIG directive found"
#define ERR_NO_END   "no .END directive found"
#define ERR_ORIG_NOT_1ST   "instruction(s) appear before .ORIG"
#define ERR_END_NOT_LAST   "instruction(s) appear after .END"
#define ERR_MISSING_ORIG   ".ORIG not found"
#define ERR_MISSING_END   ".END not found"
#define ERR_EXPECTED_COMMA   "expected comma, got '%s'"
#define ERR_EXPECTED_REG   "expected register (R0-R7), got '%s'"
#define ERR_EXPECT_REG_IMM   "expected register or immediate, got '%s'"
#define ERR_BAD_LABEL   "label '%s' contains illegal characters"
#define ERR_MISSING_OP   "expected LC3 op, got '%s'"
#define ERR_MISSING_OPERAND   "too few operand(s)"
#define ERR_EXTRA_OPERAND   "extra operand(s) '%s'"
#define ERR_DUPLICATE_LABEL   "label '%s' previosly defined"
#define ERR_MISSING_LABEL   "label '%s' never defined"
#define ERR_BAD_PCOFFSET   "PCoffset to '%s' out of range"
#define ERR_BAD_IMM   "immediate '%s' (bad format)"
#define ERR_IMM_TOO_BIG   "immediate '%s' out of range"
#define ERR_EXPECTED_STR   "expected quoted string, got '%s'"
#define ERR_BAD_STR   "unterminated string '%s'"


typedef struct line_info line_info_t


void asm_error (char *msg,...)
void asm_init (void)
void asm_init_line_info (line_info_t *info)
void asm_pass_one (char *asm_file_name, char *sym_file_name)
void asm_pass_two (char *obj_file_name)
void asm_print_line_info (line_info_t *info)
void asm_term (void)
char * check_for_label (char *token)
void check_line_syntax (char *token)
void encode_operand (operand_t operand)
void encode_PCoffset_or_error (int width)
void get_comma_or_error (void)
void get_immediate_or_error (char *token, int width, int isSigned)
void get_PCoffset_or_error (char *token)
void get_operand (operand_t operand, char *token)
int get_reg_or_error (char *token)
FILE * open_read_or_error (char *file_name)
FILE * open_write_or_error (char *file_name)
void scan_operands (operands_t operands)
void update_address (void)


LC3AS_VAR int srcLineNum
LC3AS_VAR int currAddr
LC3AS_VAR int numErrors

Detailed Description

This file defines the interface to a C file assembler.c that you will complete. This is the main portion of an assembler for LC3.

This is a substantial assignment. One way to attack larger projects is to break the problem into pieces and code those pieces individually. You have already done this for the files field.c, util.c and symbol.c. Similarly, instead of writing large functions, decompose them into a series of calls to shorter functions which do required subtasks. The decomposition may be continued until each low level function is easy to write correctly. If you find any one function getting "too" large, think about what the code does and decompose it into several smaller functions. In fact, if you can give the task a good symbolic name, you can postpone writing it until later. This is because the name implies "what" the function does. "How" it is done, will be determined when that function is coded. It is perfectly fine to have methods that are only called once from the code. The idea is that each of these functions peform a straight forward subtask. And it is perfectly fine to have functions that are only a few lines of code.

Most of the methods documented here are suggestions for abstractions that perform, small, useful tasks. They are for your convenience. By creating more abstractions, you will find the code easier to write and debug. Only the function with the prefix asm_ are called from the main program. These helper methods should be static, but are declared here for documentation purposes.

Fritz Sieker

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ERR_OPEN_READ   "could not open '%s' for reading."

Error messages passed to function asm_error()

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct line_info line_info_t

Typedef of structure type

Function Documentation

void asm_error ( char *  msg,

A function to print error messages. This function takes a minimum of one parameter. It is exaclty like the printf() function. The first parameter is a formatting string. The remaining parameters (if any) are the actual values to be printed. It must be used for reporting all errors. Do not modify.

msg- the formating string
void asm_init ( void  )

Do whatever initialization is necessary for the assembler

void asm_init_line_info ( line_info_t info)

A function to initialize all the fields of the structure to default values The lineNum and address fields are initialized on return. All other fields are set to "default" values. Do not modify.

info- pointer to information about a source line
void asm_pass_one ( char *  asm_file_name,
char *  sym_file_name 

This function performs the processing required in the first pass. At a minimum, it must check the syntax of each instruction and create the symbol table. For this assignment, it will also create a data structure for use by the second pass. The flow of this function is:

  1. open the source file and report an error (think about your convenience functions)
  2. read the lines one at a time using fgets(). The function fgets() takes advantage of C's ability to return multiple values in a single call by using pointers. The values it reads are stored in the character buffer passed as the first argument. Success/failure is indicated by the actual return value.
  3. convert the line to a list of tokens
  4. if there is an opcode on the line, then
    1. allocate a new line_info_t store it in the global variable currInfo and initialize it
    2. convert the tokens to values and set the appropriate fields of currInfo
    3. add it to the linked list defined by infoHead and infoTail
    4. update the current address
  5. If there were no errors, write the symbol table file using lc3_write_sym_tab().
asm_file_name- name of the file to assemble
sym_file_name- name of the symbol table file
implement this function
void asm_pass_two ( char *  obj_file_name)

This function generates the object file. It is only called if no errors were found during asm_pass_one(). The basic structure of this code is to loop over the data structure created in asm_pass_one(), generate object code (16 bit LC3 instructions) and write it to the object file.

obj_file_name- name of the object file for this source code
implement this function
void asm_print_line_info ( line_info_t info)

A function to print the infomation extracted from a source line. This is used for debugging. Do not modify.

info- pointer to informaton about a source line
void asm_term ( void  )

Cleanup everything used by the assembler

implement this function
char* check_for_label ( char *  token)

A function to check if the token is a label. In LC3 assembly language, the optional label may preceed the opcode. Therefore, if the token is not a valid opcode, assume it is label. If it is a valid label, add it to the symbol table. Report any errors found using asm_error().

token- the token to consider
If the token is a label, then return the next token. Otherwise, return the parameter.
implement this function
void check_line_syntax ( char *  token)

A function to check the syntax of a source line. At the conclusion of this function, the appropriate fields of the global currInfo are initialized. For example, if the current instruction is NOT R4,R3 then at the conclusion of the function, the fields opcode, reg1, reg2 would contain the values OP_NOT, 4, 3 respectively. The basic flow of the function is:

  1. determine if the first token is a label
  2. convert the first/next token to an opcode and store it into your data structure. It is legal for an LC3 statemet to have only a label. This will be the case if the value returned by check_for_label() is NULL.
  3. determine the list of operands corresponding to this opcode. How can you get this from the lc3 module?
  4. if this opcode has operands associated with it then call scan_operands()
  5. make sure there are no extra operands
token- the first token on the line. This could be a label or an operator (e.g. ADD or .FILL).
implement this function
void encode_operand ( operand_t  operand)

A second pass function to take one field from the currInfo structure and place it in the machineCode field. For example, if the operand is FMT_R1, then the field reg1 is put in bits 11 .. 9. The flow of this function mirrors the code of pass one function. get_operand().

operand- the type of operand
implement this function
void encode_PCoffset_or_error ( int  width)

This second pass function is used to convert the reference into a PC offset. There are several errors that may occur. The reference may not occur in the symbol table, or the offset may be out of range. If successful, this function puts the PC offset in the machineCode field of currInfo.

width- the number of bits that hold the PC offset
void get_comma_or_error ( void  )

A convenience function to make sure the next token is a comma and report an error if it is not.

implement this function
void get_immediate_or_error ( char *  token,
int  width,
int  isSigned 

A convenience function to convert an token to an immediate value. Used for the imm5/offset6/trapvect8/.ORIG values. The value is obtained by calling a function provided for you in the lc3 module. If the value is not in the correct format, or out of range, report an error using asm_error(). If it is good, store it in the immediate field of currInfo

token- the string to be converted to an immediate
width- how many bits are used to store the value
isSigned- specifies if number is signed or unsigned
implement this function
void get_operand ( operand_t  operand,
char *  token 

A convenience function to convert the token to a value and store it in the currInfo data structure. For example, if the operand is FMT_R1 and the token is R4, then the field reg1 is set to 4.

operand- the type of operand that is expected
token- the token to be converted
implement this function
void get_PCoffset_or_error ( char *  token)

A convenience function to get the label reference used in the BR/LD/LDI/LEA/ST/STI/JSR instructions. The code should make sure it is a valid label. If it is valid, store it in the reference field of currInfo. If is not a valid label, report an error. You should understand why this routine may not be able to directly calculate the PCoffset.

token- the reference to check
implement this function
int get_reg_or_error ( char *  token)

A function to convert a string to a register number and report an error if the string does not represent an register. Use the function asm_error() to report errors.

token- the string to convert to a register
the register number, or -1 on an error
implement this function
FILE* open_read_or_error ( char *  file_name)

Open file for reading and report an error on failure. Use the C function fopen() and report errors using asm_error().

file_name- name of file to open
the file or NULL on error
implement this function
FILE* open_write_or_error ( char *  file_name)

Open file for writing and report an error on failure. Use the C function fopen() and report errors using asm_error().

file_name- name of file to open
the file or NULL on error
implement this function
void scan_operands ( operands_t  operands)

A convenience function to scan all the operands of an LC3 instruction. The basic flow of this function is:

  1. initialize a count of the number of operands expected
  2. initialize a count of the number of errors found before this function was called.
  3. loop over the all the possible operand types. if the operand type is used by this LC3 instuction, do the following
    • get the next token and convert it to an operand
    • On error, simply return which results in continuing with the next source line. The errors include an operand of the wrong type, or a missing operand.
    • If there are additional operands, continue to scan them. Look at what testTokens returns for a hint on what this means.
operands- a "list" of the operands for the current LC3 instruction encoded as individual bits in an integer.
implement this function
void update_address ( void  )

This function is responsible for determing how much space and LC3 instruction or pseudo-op will take and updating the global variable currAddr defined in the file assembler.h. Most LC3 instructions require a single word. However, there are several exceptions:

  • a line containing only a label does not change currAddr
  • .ORIG replaces the value of currAddr by its operand
  • .BLKW uses the number of words specified by its operand
  • .STRINGZ uses the length of the string minus one words. Make sure you understand how many word(s) a string uses.
  • Some pseudo ops may expand to multiple LC3 instructions. For example, if the was a .PUSH pseudo-op, it would use two words.
implement this function

Variable Documentation

LC3AS_VAR int currAddr

A global variable defining the LC3 address of the current instruction

LC3AS_VAR int numErrors

A global variable defining the number of errors found

LC3AS_VAR int srcLineNum

A global variable defining the line in the source file