CS 270: Computer Organization

Syllabus - Fall 2009

When: Tuesday and Thursday 12:30am - 1:45pm
Where: Wagar 133
Instructor: Yashwant Malaiya, malaiya @ cs.colostate.edu
Office Hours: M 2:30-3:30, W(?) 11-12AM
GTA: Pradeep Srinivasa, pradeeps @ cs.colostate.edu

Recitations (CSB 215)

Recitation sections are required. Attend the recitation for which you are enrolled every week. The one exception is that in the first week of classes, if you have already missed your recitation, please attend any of the other two sections. Recitations cover auxillary material, often not covered in the lecture. The first week recitations will have information needed for your first assignment.

Lab Hours (COMSC 1st floor)

Class Communication

All class discussions and e-mail will use RAMCT. Make sure to check this regularly as we may send important class announcements via e-mail. If you would like to foward this e-mail to a different account we will cover how to do this in one of the first recitations.

Course Requirements





(Grades will be posted on RamCT) To pass this course, you must maintain at least a 50% average in the homework grade (programming assignments + labs) and the test grade (midterm + final). For example, a 100% in the homework grade combined with a 49% test grade will NOT result in a passing grade.

Course Policies

Yashwant Malaiya
Last modified: August 21, 2009