CS253: Software Development with C++

Spring 2020

HW 7

CS253 HW7: Iteration!                


For this assignment, you will build upon your previous work in HW5.                 

Your Schedule class now works with the for (auto v : container) syntax! This implies support for Schedule::begin(), Schedule::end(), and Schedule::iterator. Looping over a Schedule produces read-only references to Events, in chronological order.                 


New Schedule features                

The following methods & operators must work, where sit is of type Schedule::iterator.                 

Returns a value of type Schedule::iterator that corresponds to the first Event in the Schedule.
Returns a value of type Schedule::iterator that corresponds to one past the last Event in the Schedule. Past, I say! It does not correspond to the last item, since begin() & end() form a half-open interval.
Increments or decrements the iterator. Preincrement/predecrement return the new value, and postincrement/postdecrement return the previous value, in the same manner as ++ and -- work on integers.
Yields a const reference to the Event associated with the iterator.
sit == sit
sit != sit
Compares two iterators for equality or inequality. Any other comparisons are undefined operations.
copy, assignment
Iterators are copy-constructable, and assignable.

New Event features                

.fmt(string format)
Format the date according to the optional strftime() format, and return the resultant string. If format is not given, format in 10-character YYYY-MM-DD style. This does not change the default output format—it only affects the result of this method.
Change this Event to refer to the next or previous day. Throw a runtime_error if this results in an out-of-range date (year 0 or 10000). Incrementing Dec 31 results in Jan 1 of the next year, and decrementing behaves correspondingly. Preincrement/decrement returns the new value, whereas postincrement/decrement returns the previous value.
Event == Event
Event != Event
Event <= Event
Event >= Event
Event < Event
Event > Event
Compare two events. Two events are equal if they occur on the same date. One event is less than another if it occurs earlier.

Const-correctness is your job for all methods & operators.                 


Altering a Schedule potentially invalidates the corresponding iterators.                 


If you encounter “STACK FRAME LINK OVERFLOW”, then try this:

    export STACK_FRAME_LINK_OVERRIDE=ffff-ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a

Sample Run                

This focuses on the features added in this assignment. This does not imply that the previous features are abandoned.                 

% cat CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

# Using -Wall is required:

# These compile flags are highly recommended, but not required:
add_compile_options(-Wextra -Wpedantic)

# Optional super-strict mode:
add_compile_options(-fmessage-length=80 -fno-diagnostics-show-option)
add_compile_options(-fstack-protector-all -g -O3 -std=c++14 -Walloc-zero)
add_compile_options(-Walloca -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wduplicated-cond)
add_compile_options(-Wduplicated-branches -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Winit-self)
add_compile_options(-Wlogical-op -Wold-style-cast -Wshadow)
add_compile_options(-Wunused-const-variable=1 -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant)

# add_compile_options must be BEFORE add_executable or add_library.

add_library(hw7 Event.cc Schedule.cc translate.cc)
add_executable(test test.cc)
target_link_libraries(test hw7)

# Create a tar file every time:
add_custom_target(hw7.tar ALL COMMAND tar cf hw7.tar Event.cc Event.h Schedule.cc Schedule.h translate.cc test.cc CMakeLists.txt)
% cat test.cc
#include "Schedule.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "Schedule.h"       // I meant to do that.
#include "Event.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    istringstream tyt("tomorrow yesterday today");
    Schedule s(tyt);
    istringstream more("\t\r0100-10-10\f3000.365  ");
    // Should now contain:
    // 0: 0100-10-10
    // 1: yesterday
    // 2: today
    // 3: tomorrow
    // 4: 3000-12-31
    const auto s2(s);
    assert(s.size() == s2.size());
    for (size_t i=0; i<s2.size(); i++)
        assert(s[i] == s2[i]);
    assert(s.size() == 0);
    for (const Event &e : s2)
        cout << e.fmt() << e.fmt(" / %04Y.%j / %A %B %e %04Y%n");

    Schedule::iterator it = s2.begin();
    assert(*++it == s2[1]);
    assert(*it++ == s2[1]);
    assert(*it++ == s2[2]);
    assert(*it++ == s2[3]);
    assert(*it++ == s2[4]);
    assert(it == s2.end());
    assert(it-- == s2.end());
    assert(*it-- == s2[4]);
    assert(*--it == s2[2]);

    auto yesterday = *--it;
    auto today = *++it;
    auto tomorrow = *++it;

    assert(yesterday == s2[1]);
    assert(today == s2[2]);
    assert(tomorrow == s2[3]);

    const Event &first = s2[0];
    assert(first < today);
    assert(first <= today);
    assert(first != today);
    assert(today > first);
    assert(today >= first);

    return 0;
% cmake .
… cmake output appears here …
% make
… make output appears here …
% ./test
0100-10-10 / 0100.283 / Sunday October 10 0100
2024-09-25 / 2024.269 / Wednesday September 25 2024
2024-09-26 / 2024.270 / Thursday September 26 2024
2024-09-27 / 2024.271 / Friday September 27 2024
3000-12-31 / 3000.365 / Wednesday December 31 3000


Same as HW5, plus the additional features above, and:

Tar file                

    cmake . && make

How to submit your work:                

Use web checkin, or Linux checkin:                 

    ~cs253/bin/checkin HW7 hw7.tar

How to receive negative points:                

Turn in someone else’s work.