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CS253: Problem Solving with C++

Spring 2012


Links to the various pages for this class:

Wish I could do this: * Schedule

Date Lecture Recitation Reading Homework
Mon Jan 16, 2012 MLK Day
  • Help with HW0
  • Logging in
  • Editing files
  • Using g++

Attend as needed this week only

All reading is from Weiss
Ch. 0: Introduction
Ch. 1: Basic Types & Control Structures

Do the reading before class for the week.

HW0 due Saturday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Jan 18, 2012
Fri Jan 20, 2012
  • Java/C++ differences
  • “That's C, not C++”
  • int main()
  • int/char/float/double/bool
  • Declaration looks like use
  • scope: local/global/{}
  • C++ doesn’t have a stack
Mon Jan 23, 2012
  • Discuss HW1
  • stack vs. heap vs. static memory
  • const
  • if/while/for
  • using namespace std;
  • <stdio.h> vs. <cstdio>
  • intro to iostreams
  • Casting, old & new style

Using bash

Ch. 2: Functions, Arrays, Strings, Param. Passing HW1 due Wednesday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Jan 25, 2012
Fri Jan 27, 2012
  • Review HW1
  • functions
  • call-by value/reference/const reference
  • passing arrays
  • function overloading
  • default parameters
  • Overloaded functions; name mangling using nm & c++filt
Mon Jan 30, 2012
  • vector
    • member functions
    • «vector::max_size(cpp)» vs. «vector::size(cpp)» vs. «vector::capacity(cpp)»
  • vector vs. C-style arrays
  • pointers/references and addresses, pointer scaling/arithmetic
  • new/delete/new[]/delete[]
  • garbage collection
  • NULL/0
  • dangling/stale pointers
  • double delete
  • abandoned memory
  • alpha->beta vs. gamma.delta

Debugging Lab

Ch. 3: Pointers, References, new & delete
Section 11.5: Cmd-Line Arguments

Wed Feb 1, 2012
  • Today is the last drop day
  • Quiz 1
  • HW2, which will be much harder than HW1.
  • Command-line arguments
Fri Feb 3, 2012
Mon Feb 6, 2012
  • struct vs. class
  • data members
  • function members (methods)
  • public/protected/private, friends
Make Lab Ch. 4: Classes HW2 due Wednesday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Feb 8, 2012
Fri Feb 10, 2012
Mon Feb 13, 2012
  • C++ is extensible, not mutable
  • Operator overloading, member vs. non-member
Linked List Lab Ch. 5: Operator Overloading  
Wed Feb 15, 2012
  • Review for midterm
Fri Feb 17, 2012
  • First midterm
Mon Feb 20, 2012
  • Review the midterm
  • Inheritance (is-a) vs. composition (has-a)
  • Calling methods in base class (example)
  • Base class in initialization list
  • copy ctor in derived class calls copy ctor in base class
  • operator= in derived class calls operator= in base class
  • typedef for base class alias instead of super
  • Slicing
Valgrind Lab Ch. 6: Inheritance  
Wed Feb 22, 2012
Fri Feb 24, 2012
Mon Feb 27, 2012
  • Copy ctor vs. operator= (example) using Loud.h
  • Member vs. non-member functions in Complex
  • private (lousy default)/public/protected inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Friendship is not inherited
  • There is no Object class.
  • Reflection: typeid() & type_info (example)

gtkmm lab

  HW3 due Wednesday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Feb 29, 2012
Fri Mar 2, 2012

Programming paradigms:

Mon Mar 5, 2012 Coverage Lab Ch. 8: Abnormal Control Flow  
Wed Mar 7, 2012
Fri Mar 9, 2012


  • Access a whole namespace: using namespace std;
  • Access a class: using std::ofstream;
  • Access a symbol: using std::cout;
  • The std namespace: std::string
  • The global namespace: ::bar
  • <math.h> vs. <cmath>
  • Namespaces are open, classes are closed
  • std is closed, anyway
  • Nested namespaces
  • The anonymous namespace
  • Libraries & namespaces
  • Namespace aliases: namespace HP = Hewlett_Packard;
  • Symbol resolution & namespace ambiguity
Mon Mar 12, 2012 Spring Break!
Wed Mar 14, 2012
Fri Mar 16, 2012
Mon Mar 19, 2012


  • State: «ios::good(cpp)» / «ios::eof(cpp)» / «ios::fail(cpp)» / «ios::bad(cpp)»
  • ios has no open() method
  • Misuse of «ios::eof(cpp)»
  • Stream as a bool / void *
New Lab Ch. 9: Input & Output HW4 due Wednesday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Mar 21, 2012


  • «ostream::put(cpp)» / «ostream::write(cpp)»
  • «ostream::seekp(cpp)» / «ostream::tellp(cpp)»
  • manipulators (formatted output example)


  • «istream::get(cpp)» / «istream::unget(cpp)» / «istream::peek(cpp)»
  • istream::get() vs. cin >> c
  • «istream::getline(cpp)»
  • «istream::ignore(cpp)»
  • «istream::seekg(cpp)» / «istream::tellg(cpp)»
Fri Mar 23, 2012


  • Misuse of «fstream::open(cpp)»


  • «stringstream::str(cpp)»
  • Using stringstream for general conversion

Serialization, lack of

Mon Mar 26, 2012


  • It’s a Design Pattern
  • Acquisition - Use - Release
  • Use RAII when you think “Don’t forget to ...”
  • Simplicity of description/state
  • Immune to early return/throw
  • Examples:
    • autoptr to dynamic memory
    • file handle / socket / database / other OS resources
    • mutex (lock)
    • list membership


  • is-a, but not really
  • Make the ctor/dtor protected
  • override new/delete
  • noncopyable / noninstantiatable
  • loudness for debugging
  • timestamp
  • ID number
  • serialization
  • Alternative ways to achieve the same goal
I/O Lab    
Wed Mar 28, 2012
  • Review for midterm
Fri Mar 30, 2012
  • Second midterm
Mon Apr 2, 2012 Subversion Lab Ch. 7: Templates  
Wed Apr 4, 2012
Fri Apr 6, 2012
Mon Apr 9, 2012
  • Non-standard containers:
    • slist
    • rope
    • hash_set / hash_multiset / hash_map / hash_multimap
    • unordered_set / unordered_multiset / unordered_map / unordered_multimap
  • Common container methods:
    • ctor(iter, iter)
    • ctor(n)
    • empty()
    • size()
    • clear()
    • begin() / end() / rbegin() / rend()
Template Specialization Lab HW5 due Wednesday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed Apr 11, 2012
Fri Apr 13, 2012
Mon Apr 16, 2012 Hash Lab    
Wed Apr 18, 2012
  • Quiz 3
  • Discuss HW6
Fri Apr 20, 2012
Mon Apr 23, 2012

Alpha Op Lab
Help with HW6

Wed Apr 25, 2012
Fri Apr 27, 2012
Mon Apr 30, 2012

Review for final exam

  HW6 due Monday 5:00ᴘᴍ
Wed May 2, 2012
Fri May 4, 2012
  • Review for final exam
  • ASCSU Surveys
Mon May 7, 2012
  • Final exam 7:30–9:30ᴀᴍ, same room as lecture

Modified: 2012-05-03T16:32

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