CS253 HW4: Operations!                
To be clear: Phobic + Phobic
, Phobic + int
, and
int + Phobic
must all work. Same for -
, *
, /
, and the
comparison operators.
Similarly, both Phobic += Phobic
and Phobic += int
must work.
Same for -=
, *=
, and /=
For this assignment, you will build upon your work in HW2. Your
class will now have operators in place of several methods.
must have all the methods & operators from HW2,
except that:
is replaced by +
is replaced by -
is replaced by *
is replaced by /
Add/subtract/multiply/divide the left-hand and right-hand objects,
yielding a third object with the expected numeric value, that fears
all the numbers feared by either object. These do not
alter either the left-hand or right-hand objects.
is replaced by +=
is replaced by -=
is replaced by *=
is replaced by /=
Add/subtract/multiply/divide the left-hand object and the right-hand object, putting
the result into the left-hand object.
The left-hand object is altered to additionally fear everything that
is feared by the right-hand object.
This method does not alter the right-hand object.
is replaced by Phobic << int;
Think of the insertion operator (
) as inserting fear into
the object. Chaining is allowed:
Phobic p;
p << 1 << 2 << 3;
will make the object p
afraid of 1, 2, 3, and, of course, 13.
is replaced by ==
Return true iff the value in the left-hand
object equals the value in the right-hand object.
is replaced by <
Return true iff the value in the left-hand
object is less than the value in the right-hand object.
In addition, you must implement the operators !=
, <=
, >=
and >
, which work as expected.
It must be an compile-time error or warning to ignore the result of the
operators +
, -
, *
, /
, ==
, >=
, <=
, <
, >
, and the methods .get()
and .is_scary()
. That is, this must
generate a compile-time error or warning:
Phobic castor, pollux;
castor + pollux;
For everything that creates or alters an object, the value that results
must be one that the object does not regard as scary. Scary values are
avoided by incrementing the value past them. For example, if the value
should be 13, but the current object fears 13, 14, 20, and 5, then the
value must be changed to 15.
When I say that such-and-such an operator replaces a method, I mean
it. The replaced method must not exist. E.g., your class must not
have an .add
method, or a .lt
Const-correctness, for arguments, functions, and methods, is your job.
For example, it must be possible to call .get()
on a const object,
or to copy a const object to a non-const object.
The /
and /=
operators must detect attempted division by zero,
and throw a runtime_error containing a descriptive string that
mentions the value of the operands. Attempted division by zero must not
alter the left-hand operand.
If you encounter “STACK FRAME LINK OVERFLOW”, then try this:
export STACK_FRAME_LINK_OVERRIDE=ffff-ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a
is a library file. It contains a number of
(object) files. It must contain Phobic.o
, but it may also
contain whatever other *.o
files you need. The CMakeLists.txt
shown creates libhw4.a
. It does not contain main().
You will have to write a main() function to test your code. Put it
in a separate file, and do not make it part of libhw4.a
Particularly, do not put main() in Phobic.h
or Phobic.cc
You will also have to create Phobic.h
, and put it into
. We will test your program by doing something like
mkdir a-new-directory
cd the-new-directory
tar -x </some/where/else/hw4.tar
cmake . && make
cp /some/other/place/test-program.cc .
g++ -Wall test-program.cc libhw4.a
We will supply a main program to do the testing that we want.
You should do something similar. It’s your choice whether to
include your test program in your hw4.tar
However, cmake . && make
must work. If it fails
because you didn’t package test.cc
, but your CMakeLists.txt
requires test.cc
, then your build failed, and you get no points.
Test your tar file, not just your code.
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will be considered cheating, and will get you an F in CS253.
Sample Run                
Here is a sample run, where %
is my shell prompt:
% cat CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
# Are we in the wrong directory?
if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR MATCHES "[Hh][Ww]([0-9])$"
# Using -Wall is required:
# These compile flags are highly recommended, but not required:
add_compile_options(-Wextra -Wpedantic)
# Optional super-strict mode:
add_compile_options(-fmessage-length=80 -fno-diagnostics-show-option
-fstack-protector-all -g -O3 -std=c++17 -Walloc-zero -Walloca
-Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wduplicated-cond -Wduplicated-branches
-Werror -Wextra-semi -Wfatal-errors -Winit-self -Wlogical-op
-Wold-style-cast -Wshadow -Wunused-const-variable=1
# add_compile_options must be BEFORE add_executable.
# Create the executable from the source file main.cc:
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} Phobic.cc)
add_executable(test test.cc)
target_link_libraries(test ${PROJECT_NAME})
# Create a tar file every time:
add_custom_target(${PROJECT_NAME}.tar ALL COMMAND
tar -cf ${PROJECT_NAME}.tar *.cc *.h CMakeLists.txt)
% cmake . && make
… cmake output appears here …
… make output appears here …
% cat test.cc
#include "Phobic.h"
#include "Phobic.h" // I meant to do that.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const Phobic three(3), seven(7), two=seven/three, five{seven-two}, ten=10;
assert(five == 5);
assert(ten-two == 4*two);
assert(ten/two == two+two+two/two);
Phobic x(4); x << 12 << 3; // fears 3, 12, and 13
Phobic y; y << 11; // fears 11 & 13
Phobic fearful(y/x);
Phobic a(13); // 14
assert(a.get() == 14);
a << 14; // a is bumped to 15
assert(a.get() == 15);
a = a; // fraught with peril
assert(a.is_scary(14)); // did it survive?
assert(2 + a == 17);
assert(a + 2 == 17);
assert(a + a == 30);
assert(a - two == 15); // 15 - 2 is 13 bumped to 15
assert(30 == two * a);
assert(seven == a / two);
a += ten; // 15 ⇒ 25
assert(a == 25);
a -= 5; // 25 ⇒ 20
assert(20 == a);
a *= a; // 20 ⇒ 400
assert(a == 400);
a /= ten; // 400 ⇒ 40
assert(a == 40);
assert(two < three);
assert(3 > two);
assert(3 <= ten);
assert(ten >= 5);
assert(ten == ten);
assert(-10 != ten);
try {
a /= (two/ten); // attempt division by zero
catch (const runtime_error &) { // Hey, no variable!
a += 3 - two; // 40 ⇒ 41
assert(a.get() == 41); // Did we catch the divide by zero?
cout << "Success!\n";
return 0;
% ./test
- The arguments to
, -=
, >
, etc., are Phobic
not ints. Sure, Phobic + int
works, but that’s because
the Phobic(int)
constructor gets called to convert the int
to a Phobic
- Whether you implement an operator as a method or as a free function
is up to you.
- It is not the responsibility of the
code to catch
exceptions. The Phobic
code throws the exception. It’s up
to the calling code to catch the exception. If the exception is
not caught, well, then, the program terminates horribly.
Same requirements as HW2, except as modified above.
Tar file                
- The tar file for this assignment must be called:
- It must contain:
- source files (
), including Phobic.cc
- header files (
), including Phobic.h
, which will create the library file
- These commands must produce the library lib
cmake . && make
- Your
must use at least -Wall
when compiling.
How to submit your work:                
In Canvas, check in the
to the assignment “HW4”.
It’s due 10:00:00ᴘᴍ MT Saturday, with a 24-hour late period for a 25% penalty.
How to receive negative points:                
Turn in someone else’s work.