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calculateArea() - Method in class Circle
Calculates the area of a circle.
calculateArea() - Method in class Rectangle
Calculates the area of the rectangle.
calculateArea() - Method in class Shape
Abstract method that returns the area of polygon.
calculateArea() - Method in class Triangle
Calculate the area of the triangle.
calculatePerimeter() - Method in class Circle
Calculates the perimeter of a circle.
calculatePerimeter() - Method in class Rectangle
Calculates the perimeter of the rectangle.
calculatePerimeter() - Method in class Shape
Abstract method that returns the perimeter of polygon.
calculatePerimeter() - Method in class Triangle
Calculate the perimeter of the triangle.
Circle - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay on 9/13/17 Use point1.distance(point2) to find the distance between two Point objects.
Circle(Point, Point) - Constructor for class Circle
Initializes a newly created Circle object whose location and size are determined by Point a and and Point b
compareTo(Shape) - Method in class Shape
compareTo method required for implementing the Comparable interface Return: -1 from compareTo if the area of this Shape is less than the area of the Shape parameter 0 from compareTo if the area of this Shape equals the area of the Shape parameter 1 from compareTo if the area of this Shape is greater than the area of the Shape parameter
createShapeArray() - Static method in class TestProgram
Creates a list with various shapes.


distance(Point) - Method in class Point
Computes the distance between the current Point object and another Point.


equals(Object) - Method in class Circle
Compares this circle to a specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class Point
Compares this point to a specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class Rectangle
Compares this rectangle to a specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class Triangle
Compares this triangle to a specified object.


getLength() - Method in class Rectangle
Calculates the length of the rectangle.
getRadius() - Method in class Circle
Calculates the radius of the circle.
getSide1() - Method in class Triangle
The length of the first side of the triangle.
getSide2() - Method in class Triangle
The length of the second side of the triangle.
getSide3() - Method in class Triangle
The length of the third side of the triangle.
getWidth() - Method in class Rectangle
Calculates the width of the rectangle.


hashCode() - Method in class Circle
Auto-generated hashcode using intelliJ.
hashCode() - Method in class Point
Auto-generated hashCode method using IntelliJ
hashCode() - Method in class Rectangle
hashCode auto-generated using intelliJ.
hashCode() - Method in class Triangle
hashCode autogenerated using IntelliJ.


main(String[]) - Static method in class TestProgram


Point - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay on 9/12/17
Point(int, int) - Constructor for class Point
Initializes a newly created Point object which has an x coordinate and a y coordinate.
printShapes(List<Shape>, String) - Static method in class TestProgram
prints the shapes, one per line.


Rectangle - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay on 9/12/17 Use point1.distance(point2) to find the distance between two Point objects.
Rectangle(Point, Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class Rectangle
Initializes a newly created Rectangle object.


Shape - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay on 9/12/17 An abstract class may contain one or more abstract methods and may also contain non-abstract methods.
Shape() - Constructor for class Shape


testCircle() - Static method in class TestProgram
Test cases for the Circle class
TestProgram - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay, 19/13/2017
TestProgram() - Constructor for class TestProgram
testRectangle(Point, Point, Point, Point) - Static method in class TestProgram
Test cases for the Rectangle class
testSorting() - Static method in class TestProgram
testTriangle(Point, Point, Point) - Static method in class TestProgram
Test cases for the Triangle class
toString() - Method in class Point
String representation of the Point object
Triangle - Class in <Unnamed>
Content originated from Kushagra Tiwary, 10/30/2016 Modified by garethhalladay on 9/12/17 Use point1.distance(point2) to find the distance between two Point objects.
Triangle(Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class Triangle
Initializes a newly created Triangle object.
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