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ATree - Class in <Unnamed>
Provides the Node data structure and defines the abstract methods that you need to implement in ExpressionTree.java.
ATree() - Constructor for class ATree
ATree.Node - Class in <Unnamed>


build(List<String>) - Method in class ATree
Calls a recursive helper method to build an expression tree from a postfix List.
build(List<String>) - Method in class ExpressionTree
buildRecursive(ATree.Node, String) - Method in class ExpressionTree
Builds an expression tree from the postfix representation returned from the convert method.


convert(Queue<String>) - Method in class ATree
Convert an infix expression into postfix order.
convert(Queue<String>) - Method in class ExpressionTree


display() - Method in class ATree
Displays the expression tree in graphical format.
displayRecursive(ATree.Node, ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class ATree


evaluate() - Method in class ATree
Calls a recursive helper method to evaluate expression tree and return the result.
evaluate() - Method in class ExpressionTree
evaluateRecursive(ATree.Node) - Method in class ExpressionTree
Traverses the expression tree and produces the correct answer, which should be an integer.
ExpressionTree - Class in <Unnamed>
ExpressionTree() - Constructor for class ExpressionTree


infix() - Method in class ATree
Calls a recursive helper method to traverse the expression tree in infix order and build the expression.
infix() - Method in class ExpressionTree
infixRecursive(ATree.Node) - Method in class ExpressionTree
Concatenates the tokens in the expression tree returned from the ExpressionTree.build(List) method in infix order.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class ATree
isOperator(String) - Static method in class ATree


left - Variable in class ATree.Node


main(String[]) - Static method in class TestCode


Node(String) - Constructor for class ATree.Node


parse(String) - Method in class ATree
Parse an infix expression into an ArrayList of tokens.
parse(String) - Method in class ExpressionTree
postfix() - Method in class ATree
Calls a recursive helper method to traverse the expression tree in postfix order and build the expression.
postfix() - Method in class ExpressionTree
postfixRecursive(ATree.Node) - Method in class ExpressionTree
Concatenates the tokens in the expression tree returned from the ExpressionTree.build(List) method in postfix order.
precedence(String) - Static method in class ATree
Returns operator precedence.
prefix() - Method in class ATree
Calls a recursive helper method to traverse the expression tree in prefix order and build expression.
prefix() - Method in class ExpressionTree
prefixRecursive(ATree.Node) - Method in class ExpressionTree
Concatenates the tokens in the expression tree returned from the ExpressionTree.build(List) method in prefix order.


right - Variable in class ATree.Node
root - Variable in class ATree


TestCode - Class in <Unnamed>
TestCode() - Constructor for class TestCode
token - Variable in class ATree.Node


valueOf(String) - Static method in class ATree
Converts an String into an int.


writeFile(String, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class TestCode
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