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actionsByPosition - Static variable in class Plan
add(E) - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
add(E) - Method in interface IQueue
Inserts the specified element into this queue, returning true upon success.
addScriptRun(long, int, List<List<Object>>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class Script
around(double, double) - Static method in class Plan


catchExceptionsToString(Supplier<Object>) - Static method in class Eval
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class Plan
clear() - Method in class Heap
Remove all elements from this heap.
clear() - Method in interface IQueue
Removes all of the elements from this queue.
contains(Object) - Method in class Heap
Determine if this heap contains a given element.
contains(Object) - Method in interface IQueue
Returns true if this queue contains the specified element.
cumulativeProbabilitySums(long) - Static method in class Plan


debugHeap() - Method in class Heap
A method to help you debug your Heap class.


element() - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
element() - Method in interface IQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
Eval - Class in <Unnamed>
Eval() - Constructor for class Eval
eval(List<List<Object>>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalAction(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalAdd(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalContains(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalElement(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalEmpty(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalFillTo(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalOffer(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalPeek(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalPoll(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalRemove(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval
evalSize(List<Object>, Queue<Integer>, IQueue<Integer>) - Static method in class Eval


fillTarget(int, double) - Static method in class Plan
formatException(Object, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class Eval


Heap<E extends java.lang.Comparable<? super E>> - Class in <Unnamed>
A min-heap data structure and a heap-sort static method.
Heap() - Constructor for class Heap
Initializes a newly created Heap object.
Heap(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class Heap
Create a heap from the given elements.
heapSorted(ArrayList<E>) - Static method in class Heap
Return a sorted list of the elements of the elems collection.


IPriorityQueue<E extends java.lang.Comparable<? super E>> - Interface in <Unnamed>
A priority queue is different from a regular queue because it respects priority among the elements.
IQueue<E> - Interface in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay on 10/3/17
isEmpty() - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
isEmpty() - Method in interface IQueue
Returns true if this queue contains no elements.
isLeaf(int) - Method in class Heap
Tests if the current index is a leaf in the tree


keyed(long, String) - Static method in class Plan


lchild(int) - Static method in class Heap
Returns the index of the left child
listOfFirst(int, Queue<E>) - Static method in class QueueTestProgram


main(String[]) - Static method in class Heap


nextElement(double) - Static method in class Script


offer(E) - Method in class Heap
Store the given element in this heap.
offer(E) - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
Inserts the specified element into this queue.
offer(E) - Method in interface IQueue
Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.
outtakes() - Static method in class Heap


parent(int) - Static method in class Heap
Returns the index of the parent node.
peek() - Method in class Heap
Return (but don't remove) a most priority element from this heap.
peek() - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, an element of greatest priority, which is the head of the priority queue.
peek() - Method in interface IQueue
Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.
Plan - Class in <Unnamed>
Plan() - Constructor for class Plan
plan(long, int) - Static method in class Plan
poll() - Method in class Heap
Remove and return a most priority element from this heap.
poll() - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
Retrieves and removes an element of greatest priority, which is the head of the priority queue.
poll() - Method in interface IQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
positionInSort(List<Double>, double) - Static method in class Script
printFailedTests(int, IntFunction<Queue<Integer>>, IntFunction<IQueue<Integer>>) - Static method in class QueueTestProgram
priorityChild(int) - Method in class Heap
Returns the index of a most priority child of a particular node.


queue_max_size - Static variable in class QueueTestProgram
QueueTestProgram - Class in <Unnamed>
QueueTestProgram tests IQueue instances for correctness by comparing their behavior to PriorityQueue as a reference implementation.
QueueTestProgram() - Constructor for class QueueTestProgram


rchild(int) - Static method in class Heap
Returns the index of the right child
remove() - Method in interface IPriorityQueue
remove() - Method in interface IQueue
Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.
removedPos(List<E>, int) - Static method in class Shrink
runLength(long) - Static method in class Plan
runTest(long, IntFunction<Queue<Integer>>, IntFunction<IQueue<Integer>>) - Static method in class QueueTestProgram
runTests(int, int, IntFunction<Queue<Integer>>, IntFunction<IQueue<Integer>>) - Static method in class QueueTestProgram


Script - Class in <Unnamed>
Script() - Constructor for class Script
script(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class Script
Shrink - Class in <Unnamed>
Shrink() - Constructor for class Shrink
shrink(List<List<Object>>, Supplier<Queue<Integer>>, Supplier<IQueue<Integer>>) - Static method in class Shrink
shrinkCutFront(List<List<Object>>, Function<List<List<Object>>, Boolean>) - Static method in class Shrink
shrinkCutPos(List<List<Object>>, Function<List<List<Object>>, Boolean>) - Static method in class Shrink
shrinkTrim(List<List<Object>>, Function<List<List<Object>>, Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class Shrink
size() - Method in class Heap
Return the number of elements stored in this heap.
size() - Method in interface IQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
swapDown(int) - Method in class Heap
Takes the element at position i and swaps it down the tree with its largest child, repeatedly, until the heap property is restored.
swapUp(int) - Method in class Heap
Performs the swapUp operation to place a newly inserted element in its correct place so that the heap maintains the heap property.


toString() - Method in class Heap
toString() - Method in interface IQueue
Returns a string representation of this queue.


waypointCount(long) - Static method in class Plan
waypoints(long, int, int) - Static method in class Plan
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