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close() - Static method in class Debug
Close the output stream if it is not System.err.


Debug - Class in <Unnamed>
In writing your code, you may be tempted to use System.out.printf() to determine what is happening.
debugLevel - Static variable in class Debug
A variable controlling how much debug output is produced.


ExampleHasher - Class in <Unnamed>
ExampleHasher() - Constructor for class ExampleHasher
ExampleHasher.SumAndXOR - Class in <Unnamed>


filter(String) - Method in class Shell
Filter input for some special cases.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class Debug
An "extension" of String.format() to automatically convert arrays to Strings using the Arrays.toString() methods.


getIntArray(Scanner) - Method in class Shell
Get an array of int separated by commas from the scanner.
getRandom() - Static method in class Shell
Get the shells random number generator.
getStrArray(Scanner) - Method in class Shell
Get an array of String separated by commas from the scanner.
getStringOrNull(Scanner) - Method in class Shell
Retrieve a String from the scanner, filtering it for convenience.


hash(String) - Method in class ExampleHasher.SumAndXOR
hash(String) - Method in class Hasher.PrimeHasher
hash(String) - Method in interface HashFunction
Hasher - Class in <Unnamed>
Hasher() - Constructor for class Hasher
Hasher.PrimeHasher - Class in <Unnamed>
HashFunction - Interface in <Unnamed>
HashIterator() - Constructor for class HashTable.HashIterator
HashTable - Class in <Unnamed>
HashTable(int, HashFunction) - Constructor for class HashTable
Initializes a new instance of HashTable.
HashTable.HashIterator - Class in <Unnamed>
hasNext() - Method in class HashTable.HashIterator
HERE() - Static method in class Debug
Simple routine to print the fileName, lineNumber and methodName.


IHash - Interface in <Unnamed>
init(String[]) - Static method in class Debug
This routine will set the debugLevel from the arguments pased to main().
insert(String) - Method in class HashTable
insert(String) - Method in interface IHash
Add a key to the hash table, if it is not currently in the table
iterator() - Method in class HashTable
iterator(int) - Method in class HashTable
Does not use the iterator above.
iterator() - Method in interface IHash
Get an iterator that return the Strings stored in the hash table one at a time.
iterator(int) - Method in interface IHash
Get an iterator for the ith bucket


main(String[]) - Static method in class ExampleHasher
main(String[]) - Static method in class Hasher
main(String[]) - Static method in class Shell
Entry point to shell.
main(String[]) - Static method in class TestCode
make(String) - Static method in class Hasher
Hashing algorithms, see provided documentation in assignment


next() - Method in class HashTable.HashIterator


ooMain(String[]) - Method in class Shell
Provide a main() like method that can be inherited and/or overridden.


PrimeHasher() - Constructor for class Hasher.PrimeHasher
print() - Method in class HashTable
print() - Method in interface IHash
Print the entire hash table.
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class Debug
Print a message if the variable Debug.debugLevel is non-zero.
printf(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class Debug
Print a message if the parameter level is less than or equal to debugLevel.
processCmdsFromFile(String) - Method in class Shell
Process commands from a file.
processCommands(Scanner) - Method in class Shell
Command interpreter to test code.
processOneCommand(String, String) - Method in class Shell
Process one command.
processOneCommand(String, String) - Method in class TestCode


remove(String) - Method in class HashTable
remove(String) - Method in interface IHash
Remove a key from the hash table
rest(Scanner) - Method in class Shell
Retrieve a String from the scanner using nextLine(), to get everything else in the line and filter it for special values.


search(String) - Method in class HashTable
search(String) - Method in interface IHash
Search for a key in the hash table
Shell - Class in <Unnamed>
This is a base class for several assignments you will write.
Shell() - Constructor for class Shell
showHelp() - Method in class Shell
Display a brief help summary for commands implemented by this class
showHelp() - Method in class TestCode
Display a brief help summary for commands implemented by this class
size() - Method in class HashTable
size(int) - Method in class HashTable
size() - Method in interface IHash
Get the number of elements in the hash table
size(int) - Method in interface IHash
Get the number of elements in the hash table at the given index
startClock() - Static method in class Shell
Start the millisecond timer
stopClock() - Static method in class Shell
Stop the millisecond timer
strArrayToIntArray(String[]) - Method in class Shell
Convert an array of String to an array of int.
SumAndXOR() - Constructor for class ExampleHasher.SumAndXOR


TestCode - Class in <Unnamed>
TestCode() - Constructor for class TestCode
toFile(String) - Static method in class Debug
Send debugging output to a file.
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