
This page lists the material and assignments for each week in the semester. Watch out for updates and changes.

Week 9 : 3/16 - 3/20 Spring Break
Assignments Rest and Have Fun!
Week 8 : 3/9 - 3/13 Multi Dimensional Arrays
Lectures Mon - Slides
Lectures Weds - Review
Lectures Friday - no 3pm lecture - Take your exam!
Recitations Weds - Lab 10 and Review
Recitations Fri - no lab time - Take your exam!
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Exams Second Midterm - Mar 13 (CSB110 - 8am-4pm); SIGN UP IN CANVAS through People Tab
Reading Liang Sections: 8.1-8.4; 8.7
Week 7 : 3/2-3/6 Arrays
Lectures Mon - Slides
Lectures Weds - Slides
Recitations Weds - Lab 9 Arrays
Recitations Fri - Programming Quiz 4 - Practice Exam
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 7.1; 7.2; 7.5-7.13
Week 6 : 2/24-2/28 Loops
Lectures Mon - Loops
Lectures Weds - Loops
Recitations Weds - Lab 7 Control Loops
Recitations Fri - Lab 8 Control Loops
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 4.1 - 4.4; 4.5 (Listing 4.5.3); 4.6
Week 5 : 2/17 - 2/21 Making Decisions
Lectures Mon - Conditionals
Lectures Weds - More Conditionals
Lectures Fri - Conditionals Practice
Recitations Weds - Lab 6 Getting Started with IDEs
Recitations Fri - Programming Quiz 3
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 3.1 - 3.7; 3.10; 3.12 - 3.16
Week 4 : 2/10-2/14 Methods
Lectures Mon - User Defined Methods
Lectures Wed - Method Overloading and Intro to Interfaces
Recitations First Exam Prep
Recitations Lab 4 in zyBooks - Methods
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 6.1 - 6.6; 6.8; 6.9; 6.11
Exams First Midterm - Feb 14 (CSB 110 - 8am - 4pm - Sign up for time in Canvas)
Week 3 : 2/3-2/7 Characters; Strings; Mathematical Methods
Lectures Mon - Characters and Strings
Lectures Wed - Strings and Math Methods
Recitations Weds - Mathematical Calculations
Recitations Fri - Programming Quiz 2 - Sample first exam (Similar to Midterm 1 in Canvas)
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 5.1 - 5.7; 5.9 - 5.11
Week 2 : 1/27-1/31 Introductory Programming
Lectures Mon - Beginning to programming
Lectures Wed - Operators and Expressions
Lectures Fri - InClass Practice
Recitations Weds - Program Input and Output
Recitations Fri - Programming Quiz 1 (1%) Program Input and Output
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 2.1-11; 2.13-15; 2.18
Week 1 : 1/20-1/26 Course Introduction
Lectures Introduction
Lectures Computers; Programs; Java
Lectures NO LECTURE Monday - HOLIDAY
Lectures Course Intro
Recitations NO LAB Wednesday
Recitations Course Logistics and zyBooks - Hello World!
Assignments Check zyBooks for assignments and due dates
Reading Liang Sections: 1.1 - 1.10