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GENDER - Static variable in class Data
Index of the GENDER, set to 5
getCode() - Method in class CollegeDemographics
Accessor for getting the unique college code.
getName() - Method in class CollegeDemographics
Accesso for the friendly college name
getName() - Method in class MajorDemographics
Accessor for the name for the major
getNext() - Method in class CSVReader
Reads a line (nextLine()) and splits it into a String array by the CSVReader.DELIMINATOR, if the line is empty it will return null
getPercents() - Method in class MajorDemographics
Returns an array of decimal values (less than 1) of the various major counts.
getTable() - Method in class CollegeDemographics
A String 'table' representation of all the majorDemographics in the college.
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