CS110 Information

Logan Seabolt

CSB 252/MS Teams


Office Hours:
by appointment

Online through Canvas

TA Hours:
See HelpDesk schedule posted in the Helpdesk Channel on MS Teams.

Grading Policy

Weighting of Points

The course requires a demonstration of a student’s grasp of the concepts as follows:

Category Percent of final grade
SIMnet Lab Training
SIMnet Lab Exercise
SIMnet Lab Exams
Class Projects
Lecture Quizzes
Lecture Exams

Individual Work

All assignments in this class are to be done individually.

Grading Process

The software grades almost everything. If you have an issue with your grading, talk with the TA first, then to your instructor if you still disagree.

Late Policy

All assignments have a late period of 3 Days past the due date. For Each day Past the due date your assignment is late, it incurs a 10% total point reduction up to a 30% reduction after 3 days late.
Remember that all assignment due dates are in Colorado Mountain Standard Time (MST) please account for your due dates accordingly.
Exams do NOT have a late period. If you miss an Exam contact your instructor As Soon As Possible!

Curving / Rounding

Lab Assignments, Quizzes, Class Projects, Exams, and the final grade will not be curved nor rounded up.

Assignment of Final Grades

Calculation of final grade is based on the percentage the student has earned by applying the weighting average show above to the scores the student received in each of the associated activities.

Letter Grade Percentage
A+ 99.500 - 100.00
A 90.500 - 99.499
A- 89.500 - 90.499
B+ 88.500 - 89.499
B 80.500 - 88.499
B- 79.500 - 80.499
C+ 78.500 - 79.499
C 69.500 - 78.499
D 59.500 - 69.499
F 59.499 and below