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Example program: pwget

    #! /usr/bin/perl -w

    use Getopt::Long;
    use strict;

    sub usage {
            die "usage: $0 [-n name] [-u uid]\n";

    GetOptions("name|n=s" => \my $name, "uid|u=i" => \my $uid) or usage;
    usage if @ARGV;

    while (my @pw = getpwent()) {
            next if defined($name) && $name ne $pw[0];
            next if defined($uid) && $uid != $pw[2];
            print join(":", @pw), "\n";

          pwget - get password and group information

          pwget [-n name | -u uid]

          pwget locates and displays information from /etc/passwd

          The standard output of pwget contains lines of colon-separated
          password information whose format is the same as that used in the
          /etc/passwd file (see passwd(4)).

          With no options, pwget gets all entries with getpwent() and
          outputs a line for each entry found.

          When an option is given, only a single entry is printed.

               -n name        Output the first entry that matches name using
                              getpwnam() (see getpwent(3C)).

               -u uid         Output the first entry that matches uid using
                              getpwuid() (see getpwent(3C)).