One of the finest universities north of Prospect in Fort Collins

Jack Applin


Unicode Arrows

← 2190↫ 21ab⇐ 21d0⇫ 21eb➔ 2794➳ 27b3⟿ 27ff⤚ 291a⤷ 2937⥷ 2977
↑ 2191↬ 21ac⇑ 21d1⇬ 21ec➘ 2798➴ 27b4⤀ 2900⤛ 291b⤸ 2938⥸ 2978
→ 2192↭ 21ad⇒ 21d2⇭ 21ed➙ 2799➵ 27b5⤁ 2901⤜ 291c⤹ 2939⥹ 2979
↓ 2193↮ 21ae⇓ 21d3⇮ 21ee➚ 279a➶ 27b6⤂ 2902⤝ 291d⤺ 293a⥺ 297a
↔ 2194↯ 21af⇔ 21d4⇯ 21ef➛ 279b➷ 27b7⤃ 2903⤞ 291e⤻ 293b⥻ 297b
↕ 2195↰ 21b0⇕ 21d5⇰ 21f0➜ 279c➸ 27b8⤄ 2904⤟ 291f⤼ 293c⦳ 29b3
↖ 2196↱ 21b1⇖ 21d6⇱ 21f1➝ 279d➹ 27b9⤅ 2905⤠ 2920⤽ 293d⦴ 29b4
↗ 2197↲ 21b2⇗ 21d7⇲ 21f2➞ 279e➺ 27ba⤆ 2906⤡ 2921⤾ 293e⦽ 29bd
↘ 2198↳ 21b3⇘ 21d8⇳ 21f3➟ 279f➻ 27bb⤇ 2907⤢ 2922⤿ 293f⧪ 29ea
↙ 2199↴ 21b4⇙ 21d9⇴ 21f4➠ 27a0➼ 27bc⤈ 2908⤣ 2923⥀ 2940⧬ 29ec
↚ 219a↵ 21b5⇚ 21da⇵ 21f5➡ 27a1➽ 27bd⤉ 2909⤤ 2924⥁ 2941⧭ 29ed
↛ 219b↶ 21b6⇛ 21db⇶ 21f6➢ 27a2➾ 27be⤊ 290a⤥ 2925⥂ 2942⨗ 2a17
↜ 219c↷ 21b7⇜ 21dc⇷ 21f7➣ 27a3⟰ 27f0⤋ 290b⤦ 2926⥃ 2943⬀ 2b00
↝ 219d↸ 21b8⇝ 21dd⇸ 21f8➤ 27a4⟱ 27f1⤌ 290c⤧ 2927⥄ 2944⬁ 2b01
↞ 219e↹ 21b9⇞ 21de⇹ 21f9➥ 27a5⟲ 27f2⤍ 290d⤨ 2928⥅ 2945⬂ 2b02
↟ 219f↺ 21ba⇟ 21df⇺ 21fa➦ 27a6⟳ 27f3⤎ 290e⤩ 2929⥆ 2946⬃ 2b03
↠ 21a0↻ 21bb⇠ 21e0⇻ 21fb➧ 27a7⟴ 27f4⤏ 290f⤪ 292a⥇ 2947⬄ 2b04
↡ 21a1⇄ 21c4⇡ 21e1⇼ 21fc➨ 27a8⟵ 27f5⤐ 2910⤭ 292d⥈ 2948⬅ 2b05
↢ 21a2⇅ 21c5⇢ 21e2⇽ 21fd➩ 27a9⟶ 27f6⤑ 2911⤮ 292e⥉ 2949⬆ 2b06
↣ 21a3⇆ 21c6⇣ 21e3⇾ 21fe➪ 27aa⟷ 27f7⤒ 2912⤯ 292f⥰ 2970⬇ 2b07
↤ 21a4⇇ 21c7⇤ 21e4⇿ 21ff➫ 27ab⟸ 27f8⤓ 2913⤰ 2930⥱ 2971⬈ 2b08
↥ 21a5⇈ 21c8⇥ 21e5⌁ 2301➬ 27ac⟹ 27f9⤔ 2914⤱ 2931⥲ 2972⬉ 2b09
↦ 21a6⇉ 21c9⇦ 21e6⌃ 2303➭ 27ad⟺ 27fa⤕ 2915⤲ 2932⥳ 2973⬊ 2b0a
↧ 21a7⇊ 21ca⇧ 21e7⌄ 2304➮ 27ae⟻ 27fb⤖ 2916⤳ 2933⥴ 2974⬋ 2b0b
↨ 21a8⇍ 21cd⇨ 21e8⌤ 2324➯ 27af⟼ 27fc⤗ 2917⤴ 2934⥵ 2975⬌ 2b0c
↩ 21a9⇎ 21ce⇩ 21e9⍼ 237c➱ 27b1⟽ 27fd⤘ 2918⤵ 2935⥶ 2976⬍ 2b0d
↪ 21aa⇏ 21cf⇪ 21ea⎋ 238b➲ 27b2⟾ 27fe⤙ 2919⤶ 2936
2190Leftwards arrow
2191Upwards arrow
2192Rightwards arrow
2193Downwards arrow
2194Left right arrow
2195Up down arrow
2196North west arrow
2197North east arrow
2198South east arrow
2199South west arrow
219aLeftwards arrow with stroke
219bRightwards arrow with stroke
219cLeftwards wave arrow
219dRightwards wave arrow
219eLeftwards two headed arrow
219fUpwards two headed arrow
21a0Rightwards two headed arrow
21a1Downwards two headed arrow
21a2Leftwards arrow with tail
21a3Rightwards arrow with tail
21a4Leftwards arrow from bar
21a5Upwards arrow from bar
21a6Rightwards arrow from bar
21a7Downwards arrow from bar
21a8Up down arrow with base
21a9Leftwards arrow with hook
21aaRightwards arrow with hook
21abLeftwards arrow with loop
21acRightwards arrow with loop
21adLeft right wave arrow
21aeLeft right arrow with stroke
21afDownwards zigzag arrow
21b0Upwards arrow with tip leftwards
21b1Upwards arrow with tip rightwards
21b2Downwards arrow with tip leftwards
21b3Downwards arrow with tip rightwards
21b4Rightwards arrow with corner downwards
21b5Downwards arrow with corner leftwards
21b6Anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
21b7Clockwise top semicircle arrow
21b8North west arrow to long bar
21b9Leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
21baAnticlockwise open circle arrow
21bbClockwise open circle arrow
21c4Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
21c5Upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
21c6Leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
21c7Leftwards paired arrows
21c8Upwards paired arrows
21c9Rightwards paired arrows
21caDownwards paired arrows
21cdLeftwards double arrow with stroke
21ceLeft right double arrow with stroke
21cfRightwards double arrow with stroke
21d0Leftwards double arrow
21d1Upwards double arrow
21d2Rightwards double arrow
21d3Downwards double arrow
21d4Left right double arrow
21d5Up down double arrow
21d6North west double arrow
21d7North east double arrow
21d8South east double arrow
21d9South west double arrow
21daLeftwards triple arrow
21dbRightwards triple arrow
21dcLeftwards squiggle arrow
21ddRightwards squiggle arrow
21deUpwards arrow with double stroke
21dfDownwards arrow with double stroke
21e0Leftwards dashed arrow
21e1Upwards dashed arrow
21e2Rightwards dashed arrow
21e3Downwards dashed arrow
21e4Leftwards arrow to bar
21e5Rightwards arrow to bar
21e6Leftwards white arrow
21e7Upwards white arrow
21e8Rightwards white arrow
21e9Downwards white arrow
21eaUpwards white arrow from bar
21ebUpwards white arrow on pedestal
21ecUpwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar
21edUpwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar
21eeUpwards white double arrow
21efUpwards white double arrow on pedestal
21f0Rightwards white arrow from wall
21f1North west arrow to corner
21f2South east arrow to corner
21f3Up down white arrow
21f4Right arrow with small circle
21f5Downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
21f6Three rightwards arrows
21f7Leftwards arrow with vertical stroke
21f8Rightwards arrow with vertical stroke
21f9Left right arrow with vertical stroke
21faLeftwards arrow with double vertical stroke
21fbRightwards arrow with double vertical stroke
21fcLeft right arrow with double vertical stroke
21fdLeftwards open-headed arrow
21feRightwards open-headed arrow
21ffLeft right open-headed arrow
2301Electric arrow
2303Up arrowhead
2304Down arrowhead
2324Up arrowhead between two horizontal bars
237cRight angle with downwards zigzag arrow
238bBroken circle with northwest arrow
2794Heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow
2798Heavy south east arrow
2799Heavy rightwards arrow
279aHeavy north east arrow
279bDrafting point rightwards arrow
279cHeavy round-tipped rightwards arrow
279dTriangle-headed rightwards arrow
279eHeavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow
279fDashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
27a0Heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
27a1Black rightwards arrow
27a2Three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead
27a3Three-d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead
27a4Black rightwards arrowhead
27a5Heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow
27a6Heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow
27a7Squat black rightwards arrow
27a8Heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow
27a9Right-shaded white rightwards arrow
27aaLeft-shaded white rightwards arrow
27abBack-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
27acFront-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
27adHeavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27aeHeavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27afNotched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27b1Notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27b2Circled heavy white rightwards arrow
27b3White-feathered rightwards arrow
27b4Black-feathered south east arrow
27b5Black-feathered rightwards arrow
27b6Black-feathered north east arrow
27b7Heavy black-feathered south east arrow
27b8Heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow
27b9Heavy black-feathered north east arrow
27baTeardrop-barbed rightwards arrow
27bbHeavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
27bcWedge-tailed rightwards arrow
27bdHeavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
27beOpen-outlined rightwards arrow
27f0Upwards quadruple arrow
27f1Downwards quadruple arrow
27f2Anticlockwise gapped circle arrow
27f3Clockwise gapped circle arrow
27f4Right arrow with circled plus
27f5Long leftwards arrow
27f6Long rightwards arrow
27f7Long left right arrow
27f8Long leftwards double arrow
27f9Long rightwards double arrow
27faLong left right double arrow
27fbLong leftwards arrow from bar
27fcLong rightwards arrow from bar
27fdLong leftwards double arrow from bar
27feLong rightwards double arrow from bar
27ffLong rightwards squiggle arrow
2900Rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke
2901Rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke
2902Leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke
2903Rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke
2904Left right double arrow with vertical stroke
2905Rightwards two-headed arrow from bar
2906Leftwards double arrow from bar
2907Rightwards double arrow from bar
2908Downwards arrow with horizontal stroke
2909Upwards arrow with horizontal stroke
290aUpwards triple arrow
290bDownwards triple arrow
290cLeftwards double dash arrow
290dRightwards double dash arrow
290eLeftwards triple dash arrow
290fRightwards triple dash arrow
2910Rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow
2911Rightwards arrow with dotted stem
2912Upwards arrow to bar
2913Downwards arrow to bar
2914Rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke
2915Rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke
2916Rightwards two-headed arrow with tail
2917Rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke
2918Rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke
2919Leftwards arrow-tail
291aRightwards arrow-tail
291bLeftwards double arrow-tail
291cRightwards double arrow-tail
291dLeftwards arrow to black diamond
291eRightwards arrow to black diamond
291fLeftwards arrow from bar to black diamond
2920Rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond
2921North west and south east arrow
2922North east and south west arrow
2923North west arrow with hook
2924North east arrow with hook
2925South east arrow with hook
2926South west arrow with hook
2927North west arrow and north east arrow
2928North east arrow and south east arrow
2929South east arrow and south west arrow
292aSouth west arrow and north west arrow
292dSouth east arrow crossing north east arrow
292eNorth east arrow crossing south east arrow
292fFalling diagonal crossing north east arrow
2930Rising diagonal crossing south east arrow
2931North east arrow crossing north west arrow
2932North west arrow crossing north east arrow
2933Wave arrow pointing directly right
2934Arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards
2935Arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
2936Arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards
2937Arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards
2938Right-side arc clockwise arrow
2939Left-side arc anticlockwise arrow
293aTop arc anticlockwise arrow
293bBottom arc anticlockwise arrow
293cTop arc clockwise arrow with minus
293dTop arc anticlockwise arrow with plus
293eLower right semicircular clockwise arrow
293f⤿Lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow
2940Anticlockwise closed circle arrow
2941Clockwise closed circle arrow
2942Rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow
2943Leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow
2944Short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow
2945Rightwards arrow with plus below
2946Leftwards arrow with plus below
2947Rightwards arrow through x
2948Left right arrow through small circle
2949Upwards two-headed arrow from small circle
2970Right double arrow with rounded head
2971Equals sign above rightwards arrow
2972Tilde operator above rightwards arrow
2973Leftwards arrow above tilde operator
2974Rightwards arrow above tilde operator
2975Rightwards arrow above almost equal to
2976Less-than above leftwards arrow
2977Leftwards arrow through less-than
2978Greater-than above rightwards arrow
2979Subset above rightwards arrow
297aLeftwards arrow through subset
297bSuperset above leftwards arrow
29b3Empty set with right arrow above
29b4Empty set with left arrow above
29bdUp arrow through circle
29eaBlack diamond with down arrow
29ecWhite circle with down arrow
29edBlack circle with down arrow
2a17Integral with leftwards arrow with hook
2b00North east white arrow
2b01North west white arrow
2b02South east white arrow
2b03South west white arrow
2b04Left right white arrow
2b05Leftwards black arrow
2b06Upwards black arrow
2b07Downwards black arrow
2b08North east black arrow
2b09North west black arrow
2b0aSouth east black arrow
2b0bSouth west black arrow
2b0cLeft right black arrow
2b0dUp down black arrow