Modeling Domain Independent Planning to Advance
Application: Data
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Data related to this grant
This project is sponsored by National Science Foundation under
grant # IIS-0138690. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.
Available Data
This project focuses on the evaluation of planners on a wide
range of problems. Expediting such a study requires access to
both planners and problems.
To aid others with similar goals, we have collected together
information on all of the problems and planners we have used or
even considered using. Everything listed is freely available at
other sites (which are listed as well in our repository);
however, this site provides a single collection point.
- The Catalog of
Planning Resources (CPR) contains the list of planners and
problems we have examined for BUS inclusion. It attempts to
situate in a single document the disparate collections of
planners and benchmark problems along with their WWW homepages
and other written material (conference proceedings, competition
descriptions, journal papers, technical reports, etc.). Older
versions of the CPR documents can be found in Planners,
which describes classical planners in terms of their capabilities
with information on the references and participation in planning
competitions, and Planner
components, which organizes the different modules (e.g.,
pre-processing or translation) that might be included in planners
and references which planners do what.
- The Planning
problem repository collects together benchmark problem sets
from various sources
- Planning
Data is the July 27,2006 copy of data for running 25 planners
on 4297 problems to that date. This is the data used for the
most recent publications of 2006. The tarball includes a single
"all" file which is the cross-product of all planners and
problems. There are a subset of 580 problems in the datafile
called "medianOverOneSecond" whose median run-times across all
planners were over one second. Finally, the
"medianOverOneSecond" file is further split by planner name into
25 individual files. All data files are in the arff
format of the Weka Machine Learning
Package; ARFF format is easily converted CSV format by
removing the file header before the "@data" line.
- We are constantly adding planners and problems and updating the
entire suite of data. Please send us an email if you are
interested in the most recent collection before our next