ICST 2008 Call for Industry Papers
First International Conference on Software Testing,
Verification and Validation
Lillehammer, Norway
April 9-11 2008
ICST welcomes papers from industrial practitioners. There are two formats
for presenting industrial work: a full length paper (10 pages), and an
abbreviated short paper (4 pages). Full length papers should reflect on
a significant and interesting experience in industrial testing, verification,
or validation. It may be related to an unsolved problem, or to the use of
known techniques in large-scale projects. Long papers should include a
crisp statement of the issue being addressed, a clear presentation of how
it was approached, a reflection on the outcome and lessons learned.
Outstanding papers would also reflect on difficult problems that emerged
in the experience that may be areas for future research. Short papers
should provide a brief overview of some industrially significant testing
experience. They may also be used to present a difficult testing challenge
for which no known scalable solutions exist. Short papers should contain
a clear description of a problem, and either a brief discussion of a
solution, or a description of why existing approaches don't work. The
deadlines for both full length and short industrial papers is identical
to the deadlines for other papers.
Click here
to submit your abstracts and/or papers.
Papers must be in the two column
format. You can also get the Word templates and LaTeX files here.
Important dates
Submission of abstract: October 5, 2007
Submission of full papers: October 12, 2007 October 15, 2007, 5 pm Easterm Standard Time
Notification: December 19, 2007
Camera Ready: January 25, 2008