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BCI Group Bulletin

The Colorado State University MS program in Computer Science is listed in the top 10 schools with a concentration in brain-computer interfaces.

Chuck Anderson was invited participant at the CCC BRAIN Workshop in December, 2014.  See for more information and for the workshop report. (Chuck - Aug 2015)


Congratulations to Kim The, who defended her Honer's Thesis, and to Amin Sobhani, who defended his Masters Thesis this semester!  Links comming soon.  (Elliott - May 27 2014)



Kim The will be presenting a poster titled Brain Computer Interface: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the BCI2000 P300 Speller at the 2013 Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) Symposium on Tuesday April 30th in the LSC Theatre from 11:30am-2:30pm.  Hope to see everyone there!  (Elliott - April 29 2013)



Doug Hains and Elliott Forney demonstrated our P300 interface for controlling the ER1 mobile robot for a course on Assistive Technology in the Occupational Therapy Department on Thursday April 11th.  There is a picture on the robots project page.  (Elliott - April 11 2013)



The BCI Reading Group will meet on Tuesdays from 4-5pm in the AI Lab (CSB 425) starting April 9th.  This group is in addition to the regular meetings and will focus on literature review. (Elliott - April 3 2013)



Acceptance for abstracts at the 2013 BCI Meeting have been announced, we have FOUR accepted papers!  (Elliott - Mar 4 2013)



The BCI Group is meeting weekly on Mondays  from 1-3pm in the AI Lab (CSB 425) this spring semester.  (Elliott - Mar 4 2013)