Namokar Mantra
The 5 Paremesthis

Namo ariha.ntaaNaM
Namo siddhaaNaM
Namo aayariyaaNaM
Namo uvajjhaayaaNaM
Namo loe savvasaahuNaM

eso pa.ncha Namokaaro
savva paavapaNaasaNo
ma.ngalaaNaM cha savvesim
paDhamaM hava{ii} ma.ngalaM

I bow to the Arahants, the perfected human beings.
I bow to the Siddhas, liberated bodiless souls.
I bow to the Acharyas, the masters and heads of congregations.
I bow to the Upadhyayas, the spiritual teachers.
I bow to the spiritual practitioners in the universe, Sadhus.

This fivefold obeisance mantra,
Destroys all sins and obstacles,
And of all auspicious repetitions,
Is the first and foremost.

Also see Jainism Simplified