A5. Syntax-based Testing

DUE: 11:59PM, Saturday, 26 March 2016

20 points


  • The goal of this assignment is to practice problems from Chapter 5 of the textbook. You will also use a mutation tool.


  1. Chapter 5, Section 5.2, Question 1 (page 189 of your textbook).

  2. Install the MuJava tool version 4 from this webpage. Mutate the implementation of the Roman program you used in A1 and then run the JUnit test cases that you wrote. Prepare a report that shows the numbers of different types that were generated, and how many were killed.


Type the answers to the above questions in a document called a5.pdf. Submit the file using Assignment Submission in Canvas.

Grading criteria

  • Question 1: 10 points
  • Question 2: 10 points