Note that the classes that you will implement below must be inside a package called a1.yourEID, where yourEID refers to your EID.
Consider the following class called Roman.
public class Roman { public int toDecimal(String romanNumber) throws InvalidNumberException public String toRoman(int decimalNumber) throws InvalidNumberException }
Implement the classes Roman and InvalidNumberException. Assume that conversion can only occur for numbers within the range 1 (inclusive) through 4000. Throw an InvalidNumberException if the number is out of range. The same exception is also thrown if the romanNumber argument is invalid according to the rules for Roman numbers. You should use the following site for conversion rules:
Implement a class called RomanTest containing JUnit test cases for each of the two methods inside Roman.
Submit the a1.jar file using Assignment Submission in Canvas.
Up to 5 points may be deducted for not following the packaging structure or names used for the classes and the methods of each class.